Graphics & Layouts~*~ ♥ ~*~ If you have a good friend in your life hold onto that person because it is hard to find a good friend!! ~*~ Life has really taught me the only person that you can truly, truly count on is You. ~*~ ♥ ~*~
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I have already met him. I knew the moment I laid eyes on him he was the the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. We have been through alot but in the end it will all be worth it, because I can spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams. Antownn, baby I love you with all of my heart and that will never change. No matter what I am always going to be right by your side. I love you baby.
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Jazz, Hip-Hop, R&B, Country, Christian, Punk, Ska, Rock, pretty much anything else too! I love music & I love to sing! Music is such an art, it is such an easy way to express yourself! There is no other way to describe it I Just LOVE IT!!!
My Favorite artists are Keith Sweat, Alicia Keys, Usher, Heather Headley, and Rhianna
Bully Madison, Diary of a Mad Black Woman, The Devil Wears Prada, The Notebook, Miss Congeniality 1 & 2, Lucky 7, Blow, Billy Madison, Napoleon Dynamite, Unleashed, and A Bronx Tale. There are sooo many more!
Young and The Restless, The L Word, Prison Break, American Idol, Prisonbreak, 24, Law & Order, Grey's Anatomy & Family Guy
Bible, Although I really don't read it like I should!
Sara, I miss you! That is pretty much the only thing I think about these days. I have been lonely, which is weird because I know I have all these people here for me, but it just not YOU and I am lonely!I try to be positive but I feel alone without you were always here no matter what literally Ride or matter how crazy sad or depressing the situation was.....You will be my Ride or Die Chick FOREVER! I ♥ You! As I sit and watch each day go by missing your smile, your laugh, your voice and your honest opinions, I wonder when will I get to leave this place we call Hell on earth and be with you again?Jason, for trying to always keep me smiling and telling me to think positive. I LOVE AND MISS YOU TOO.... You guys take of eachother til I get there!Fannan RIP Baby Boy 12-04-83 ~ 05-19-02 We Will Love and Miss You Forever!!!My Grammy shes been to hell and back but she still manages to stay positive, strong and is there for me no matter how bad I mess up! I love her!My Grandma Jan who is one of the strongest women I know. She has really shown me by her lifestyle the definition of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! She is a wonderful Mother and Grandmother! I love her soo much! Through everything she has been through she continues to help and love others no matter what and have faith that God will get her through anything.