HotFreeLayoutshi My name is Art I'm 25
Champions like you are natural winners, filled with
vitality, confidence, and courage.
Of all the personality types, yours is probably the most adaptable. You
can survive almost anything! You easily adjust to new situations. After
a move or when starting a new job, you make friends easily. You're a
hard-worker and great team player. You also cope with stress well, and
always seem to bounce back after bad events. In fact, you do more than
simply survive; you thrive!
It's easy for Champions to follow the path of least resistance in their
careers (and even their personal lives). You've probably been pulled
into college majors, jobs, and even relationships because it was the
easiest thing to do. With all the encouragement and positive results,
it's understanding that you'd forget to ask: "Is this really what I want