What kind of muscle car are you?
1973 Ford Gran Torino
You are a 1973 Ford Gran Torino. You love Fords and hate Chevys....but you love seeing the look on their face when you smoke them on the road. Starsky and Hutch is your favorite show!
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What seven deadly sin are you? (anime pics)
Wrath is your deadly sin. You feel that karma is way too slow, and you take the matters into your own hands instead. I think, I'll, stop talking now, just don't kill me or anything
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I October ya thats right I-October.com Check them out nothing but the best for these guys Pass along Some tool pantera any thing heavy or has a message unlike this hip hop shit that all sounds alike and every one just has to shake their ass to ?3
You Will Die at Age 55
Not bad, considering your super wild lifestyle
Want to live longer? Try losing a few bad habits.
What Age Will You Die?
i sit here with a knife to my throat and i wonder why do i dont cause it is your live that keeps me here even thoe you dont care i tear why do i help through my pain and its your life that i save but who can save me from my past i want to be heard is all i ask i dont want pity or to blame all that eill cuse me is more shame i will die alone i know this gone in the ground like a piss dont cry when i am gone is all i ask but party in my memorey till you have no ass
what kind of demon are you?
you are a fallen angel demon, you are always calm and can be aggressive at times.
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