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I would like to meet as many pregnant Mommies to educate them on how wonderful our bodies are. That they were meant to give birth. The old saying that women had babies in rice fields and went back to work after delievering their babies is pretty factual and there is a reason for the saying.They knew something we use to know and have gotton away from. With modern medicine. We have allowed or didn't know any better because we are to trust our Drs that what they say is gold. We should be able to trust our Drs when it comes to birthing babies. We should trust our Drs to tell us the truth about what our bodies can do and not shelter us from it. There is such a high rate of medical intervention that is unnessary. I am not saying you can't get the meds. By all means use what is out there. But be educated on what the meds do and the sides affects it can have on you and your baby. You are the one giving birth. You will have to live with the decision you make concerning your birth. Take the time to find out as much as possible before hand. Don't let anyone else be in control of your birth except you. As Doulas, That is our job. We are there for you and your partner to support emotionally, physically, and provide you with the best information so that you can have confidents in yourself and believe that you can have a great birth experience. Sometimes those babies may have other plans for the way they want to enter this world. Sometimes babies know better then we do.We should listen to our bodies and babies. As a Doula our ulitmate goal is the have a healtly Mom and a healthy baby.
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