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frankie james


About Me

Born in 1967 in Jersey City, New Jersey. I've lived in about 20 different places in this state. Currently moving to NY. I guess the most relevant thing you can say about me is that I love grilled cheese sandwiches, alcohol, drugs and am a computer dork. I also like vaginas and consider myself a Vagitarian. Not every guy likes pussy. Some are afraid of it and consider it a black box in the dark with teeth. I love movies, music and trees and swat at bees and kill roaches. About the roaches: I'm Catholic so I first try to convert them before killing them. I like cats. Why? Because for the most part they are friendly and cool and leave me the fuck alone unlike dogs. I like crossword puzzles, logic puzzles and wearing clothing items that aren't supposed to match. I love the Yankees, hate the Red Sox and hate wearing red socks. I like kids - at least the ones I like - the rest I wish could be muzzled. I've never grown up but they allow me to drive a car and rent property. American women are too masculine I believe. It's like screwing your buddy. Spend a night with a non-American woman and you'll understand. I don't like doing laundry but like clean clothes. I'm heavily into martial arts but I don't know any. If I did I would be practicing on citizens on subways, in traffic lines, etc. I like computer programming and music and don't know which I like better. I know where the fast money is though and follow that like a bloodhound. I like to spend money, all the time, every day and night. As soon as it hits my pocket I like to dispose of it in all sorts of way. I make more money than I need yet I have bills up the ass. This is a link to my music page. Click here for my music page

My Interests


I'm a sucker for jangly suspended 4ths; delaying resolution to the tonic (except if gin is involved, then there should be no delay); minor 7ths; major 2nds; flatted fifths as passing tones; sweet harmonies as a chorus against an atonal verse; songs that go against my mood and change it; songs that fit my mood and accentuate it. Whatever.


Noir. Rainy ones. Skyscapes of lightning blue above a gothic city structure ala Tim Burton. Three hours long ones. Ones with voice-over narration. Characters who appear from and back into the ether without leaving a name or a business card. Ones with cool vehicles of any mode. Black and white. Vincent Price anytime. Never J-Lo. Once in a while Will Smith. Slick black guns carried by gangsters in the 20s.


The sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel. Basically they are all dead channels. White noise and seizure-inducing flashing through my closed eyelids when trying to sleep. Like anything that somehow seems worth watching though for whatever reason at whatever time I'm in a certain mood for that certain thing. It's like fast food.


Many and varied. If a gun were held to my head and I were forced to pick a favorite author I would name James Joyce. I like a lot of authors though. I'd rather give said gun-toter my wallet instead of having to answer that question.

My Blog

To MyFriends I Deleted from MySpace

 I started out deleting some weird chick from France and then couldn’t help deleting people I like. ;) Ooops. Oh, well, that’s what mixing Jameson and diet coke will do.... the s...
Posted by frankie james on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:05:00 PST

I Hate that Puppy in MS Word

I hate that puppy that pops up with obvious hints and tips. I know I can turn him off permanently but I’m too damn lazy lately and when he pops up it gives me a chance to deflect my real anger o...
Posted by frankie james on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 03:19:00 PST

Sleepwalking and being productive on Ambien

It has been known for years that people sleepwalk on Ambien. There are accounts of hundreds of people gaining hundreds of pounds, waking up with crumbs in their beds because they sleepwalked and ate i...
Posted by frankie james on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 08:37:00 PST

I Have Never had A Whore Yet

I have never employed the services of a hooker, a whore, a call-girl, or any other such lady who barters using sexual favors as trade. The closest I came to using one of these ladi...
Posted by frankie james on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:37:00 PST

The Semantic Web

  Thinking recently about the limitations (and often boringness) of sites like Facebook and MySpace, I started reading about an idea I kept hearing kicked around the past few years called "T...
Posted by frankie james on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 02:38:00 PST