I'm a sucker for jangly suspended 4ths; delaying resolution to the tonic (except if gin is involved, then there should be no delay); minor 7ths; major 2nds; flatted fifths as passing tones; sweet harmonies as a chorus against an atonal verse; songs that go against my mood and change it; songs that fit my mood and accentuate it. Whatever.
Noir. Rainy ones. Skyscapes of lightning blue above a gothic city structure ala Tim Burton. Three hours long ones. Ones with voice-over narration. Characters who appear from and back into the ether without leaving a name or a business card. Ones with cool vehicles of any mode. Black and white. Vincent Price anytime. Never J-Lo. Once in a while Will Smith. Slick black guns carried by gangsters in the 20s.
The sky above the port was the color of television tuned to a dead channel. Basically they are all dead channels. White noise and seizure-inducing flashing through my closed eyelids when trying to sleep. Like anything that somehow seems worth watching though for whatever reason at whatever time I'm in a certain mood for that certain thing. It's like fast food.
Many and varied. If a gun were held to my head and I were forced to pick a favorite author I would name James Joyce. I like a lot of authors though. I'd rather give said gun-toter my wallet instead of having to answer that question.