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There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart....purs

About Me

I love New York. I love going out to the best places, walking around during the day, going to the park, movies, eating by the water, staying home and just knowing where I am, I'm always happy as long I'm with the right people (or person). I love doing anything athletic anytime I can. I love sports, watching and playing, football, basketball, baseball, snowboarding, racket sports, whatever. No time is better than summertime...if they built a six flags on the beach I would never leave. I recently graduated from law school and started working but I'll always be sure to have a life :) In my free time I really enjoy just hanging out and trying to make my friends happy. It doesn't matter to me if it's dinner, at a club, or in my living room watching a movie...I'm happy as long as I'm with friends.

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