i Dont Knoe... i plAy GiUtAr and DrUms So i LiStEn To Some AltErnAtiVes, RoCk or WateVer,i LoVE rnBEEF EsPEciAllY WhEn yOuRe pLayIng It oN yoUrE gIuTAR OH mY gooDnEZZ.. I LOvE Rap DonT knOe Why bUT DAT shIt Is tYT!! i ListEn To ReeGaE CAuse i LoVE THe beat.. Hip_hOp UmmMM YeaH.. OlD SKul loVE SonGs HeLL YeSHhh,sOMe JaZz,SoME BLues.. UmmM NoT rEALLy!! so YEah i LisTen 2 mOstlY evEry sONgs/muSic Or WatEver...
i lOve gooD movies.. dAts alL You neeD tO KnOe
Why Are You ASking??
AnGeLa's Ashes... BEsT bOOk I eVer ReadIts AbouT This guy Frank's survival. Wearing shoes repaired with tires, begging a pig's head for Christmas dinner, and searching the pubs for his father, Frank endures poverty, near-starvation and the casual cruelty of relatives and neighbors -- yet lives to tell his tale with eloquence, exuberance and remarkable forgiveness.I FaWkin LOve It......
If I tEll You..You wOnt BeLivE ME..