art -making, -looking, movies, books -reading, -making, geeky tech stuff, clubs/communities, vegan feasts, liberals with a backbone, saving the world, flora, fauna, recycling, collage making parties, the perfect bagel. wow i sound like such an effin hippie. let's see. CAPITALISM! natural capitalism. slow walks, fast walks, climbing, fantasizing about walking on my hands at totally inappropriate moments, disposable culture, lakes/oceans/rivers/cataracts (but not swimming really), brilliant people, my D20, postcards, outsmarting my computer, projects, becoming a master of the universe, bowling alone - rectifying that sorry situation, staring out of windows, chocolate cake, french fries. um. i like my job a lot. and you. check out
I'd like to meet:
Dick Cheney. 4 Real.
okay - i am phobic of this category, but i will say this - my boyfriend recently noted that i like 'rock and roll'. i think he was noticing that i really like to 'rock'. i like to shout along to lyrics as well as to pretend i am like the next aretha. and. i like erykah badu. i think she 'rocks'. if garlic was music, i would listen. does that help?
oooh - badlands, days of heaven, love film noir, in the mood for love, legally blonde, romi and michelle, history of violence, never ending story, 3rd man, ghostbusters, spaceballs...(i just asked erik what movies i love and he said, and i quote "wow, you are really dorking on this hard" so i think i am going to stop).
i am going to leave my comment about ANTM (below), because i have a thing for tyra at this point, but otherwise, i have decided to remove tv show specifics - i put it up as a way of saying, i am smart and i think for myself AND i watch tv. i don't devote my life to it, i don't make plans around it. i used to press mute during commercials. but now i even watch those, and i laugh at them. to conclude this soapbox statement - i believe that tv is not bad. you know, categorically. and i am not going to be like all you other indy minded people and pretend i hate it. i love a good story, and i really love being an american... wow this is getting weird and non-conclusive. please feel free to email or call or FTF confront me on this, and we can chat about it then.
and lately i have been finding scary paralells in my life and 'americas next top model.' like every conversation i am in seems to demand a comment like, oh, that is like in 'americas next top model' when...
other obsessions: okay. only one really. battlestar gallactica. 4eva.
i have been watching the wire. and it is as good as everyone says. Heroes will be better on netflix.
well well. for all my big talk about books (see below), i am totally intimidated by this category. i am just going to include the text from a recent email to my older brother:
"down with books! : )
i just finished 'the wind-up bird chronicle' by haruki murakami. and middlesex by euginides (it is a love! love! and then not so much thing with this book)
i read a book of raymond carver's short stories over the summer..'what we talk about when we talk about love'. stunning.
a few years ago i really liked 'everything is illuminated' by jonathan safron foer
i reread 'to kill a mockingbird' and was obsessed.
i really enjoyed 'interpreter of maladies' (very feminine, very awesome.)
i am about to start a book by a guy named yukio mishima
'the things they carried' and 'in the lake of the woods' by tim o'brian are some of my favorites.
i PLAN to read 'anna karenina' some time sooooon.
i once read 'a light in august' by william faulkner, i think i was too young but i loved it anyway.
my bookshelf isn't in front of me...hope this helps.
Xs&Os - call you soon. stephanie"
addition: recently read and loved: one flew over the cuckoos nest, the corrections, the blind assassin, lolita, elements of style. what i forgot: dave hickey's air guitar, david foster wallace, pride and prejudice..
maybe books are my heros. when i was growing up my little brother and his friends (and you know who you are) used to think something was wrong with me cause i would lay aroud and read all the time. i still have those habits. books have saved me, shaped me, nurtured me, educated me, etc. here's to you books.