Vioence, death and a bit of the old in-out in-out. Oil Painting (and what?) Guitaring, pianoing etc. Digging up the remains of famous tyrants like Walt Disney.
Sexy Chicks with no morals and nice girls with lots of morals which i can convert into nasty chicks with no morales etc. Paraplegics and Migits, Satan, and Bill Hicks.
Rock Punk Classical and Rock
Video nasties, Mafia films, A Clockwork Orange, Ghostbusters, The Labrynth, stuff like that. Oh and Never Ending Story.
Kung-fu, The Sopranos, Scrubs, Mythbusters, MST3K, 24 was ok, Prison Break.
Burn them all (except the good ones like Enders game, Dune, House of Leaves, A Clockwork Orange etc.)
Anyone who has died because of rock and roll, Steve Clark, Jimi Hendrix, Bill Hicks and of course Satan. Bill Hicks again.