Any topic that's Controversial - Sex, religion, Sports, Sex & more Sex. Am I pushing it here?Seriously, I'm in to music, sports, & alcohol. Not in that order. Oh yeah! I almost forgot..... I consider myself an expert in ghetto philosophy and relationships. I am the GHETTO DR. PHIL. "when keeping it real goes wrong".
WOMEN!!! Grown azz women. The type of women that are ready to cheat on thier husbands. The type of women that have toys and are not afraid to let a brotha like me use it on em. The same type that scream during orgasms, even if the kids are asleep in the other room. "I keeps it realler than real!" Do you know what I'm talkin' bout? LOL! I'm just joking.....but seriously.......
Soul music. If you need to define "soul" then you have a serious problem. I know..... It's a wide range.... Tell you what; turn on VH1 Soul and watch it for 48 hours straight. Then add a sprinkle of 2Pac type beef verses and there you have it.
Too many to name.... Some of my favorites are Good Fellas, Menace II Society, Crash (good movie), and anything that has real good sex scences & violence. Ya know.... No Broke Back Mountain or Agaysha crap!
HBO, ESPN, VH1 Soul, & that order. Can't forget COPS! It comes on about 4 different channels. They need to just make a channel dedicated to COPS 24-7. Please watch that and learn what not to say to the law. And for those in Cali, keep running! Can't forget Judge Mathis! Maury! My daytime shows! The Wire, Sopranos, Deadwood.... Gangsta!
Too many to name.... however, a few on Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther the King. If it's not a serious read then it doesn't get read.
The Brown Hornet from Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids. What do they really expect for us to put here.OK.... My Hero is Alexyss Tylor! Play the Video! Not now, right now! And listen.... to the whole damn thing and you'll see why!