readinG, travellinG, movieS, singinG, dancinG...
swooN,affectioN,rumoR,boasT,extravaganT,racY,vivaciouS,enrap turE,amusE,AstrikinG,wittY,revealinG,infatuatioN,enticinG,mi schievouS,breathtakinG,pursuiT,coY,a swEet trEat.
poP, souL, alternative
austiN poweR, charlie'S angelS, tomB raideR, legallY blondE, giA, thE sweetesT thinG etC..
allY mcbeaL, seX anD tHe ciTy
harrY potteR, seX anD thE citY, mR righT righT noW..
mY deaRest mUm.....i woNt trAde it fOr anYthing......