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About Me

straight up gryffindor.

My Interests

chopsticks and wasabi, furnishings and colorways, politics and struggle, excercise and energy, all things harry potter, summer, MY BIRTHDAY!! (jul11)

I'd like to meet:

david attenborough.


sam cooke!, the blow, magnetic fields, radiohead, snowbank, carbonic, mix tapes


night of the living dead, 28 days later, the life of birds


is for watching zombie dvds


Along with Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto. Engels also wrote this: a toast for a "collective mustache jubliee" organized in 1840, when an unshaven face was a defiant symbol aganist the goverment.----Mustaches were worn in each age and time / By all brave men in every clime; / Our paladins, whose swords and slashes / Once saved the land, bore dark mustaches. / So in these warlike times, decide / To sport mustaches, all, with pride. / The philistines may scorn and scoff / And even shave mustaches off, / But we're no philistines, we can stick it, / So let yours grow thick as a thicket. / Long live good Christians all unbowed / Who with mustaches are endowed / And down with all the philistine hounds / Who rule mustaches out of bounds.


my mother, my brother, my grandmother and ordinary people who fight back

My Blog

Colubia confronts the Minutemen

video: http://www.bwog.net/index.php?page=post&article_id=2265 (the cheering is for the sign that reads "no one is illegal" in english, spanish, and arabic...not for gilchrist)online petition: http:/...
Posted by missie on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 08:58:00 PST


i was recently told by some people who are very close friends of mine that i come off as an "angry woman."  i was initially upset, because i think there is so much more to my character than merel...
Posted by missie on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 07:49:00 PST