un-holy trinity profile picture

un-holy trinity

nunc aut nunquam

About Me

armed with only an acoustic guitar and plenty of spare time....this band ballooned into something bigger than originally anticipated. with one record now in our permanent history and the surprise of the moderate success that accompanied it...the process of making another record has begun. i've teamed up with the same crew of musicians, co-writers and co-producers to accomplish this latest feat. we've all grown as musicians and have certainly matured as songwriters. i've been crafting songs by taking from personal experiences and by looking deep into my own very strong opinions and beliefs on issues and situations that affect and surround me. its a long and mentally exhausting process....but its the only way i know how to write something. with a bit of luck this next record will be met in the same way as its predecessor. again, due to my need for perfection...a completion date is much too difficult to pinpoint. that is if anything is ever really complete.....

My Interests


Member Since: 3/21/2006
Band Members: almost every instrument is performed by Russell Knapp....with a few exceptions here and there. such as, a handful of backing and lead vocals, pianos, and misc. noises. these are performed by Jamie Knapp and Mary Anderson and other random people.
Influences: lots of things
Sounds Like: everything and nothing at all. remember, our roots are deep and twisted.
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog

new song bitches!!!

so...its been quite some time since the last new batch of songs were unveiled.  during my hiatus....i have literally done no song writing whatsoever.  no new ideas, absolutely nothing!!&nbs...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 03:07:00 PST

2 more new songs....SUCKAS!!

the latest two songs from the new record have now arrived for your listening pleasure.  "Hiding in the Light" was the first of the new ones to be posted....and so far, it has been met with surpri...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 08:31:00 PST

"hiding in the light" is here!!

a brand new song has been finished and posted for everyone's input.  its called "Hiding in the Light" and its setting the tone for the way the new record will sound.  this one song has been ...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:07:00 PST

something for un-holy trinity fans to check out!!

for anybody that likes what we do here at the un-holy trinity studios i have a couple recommendations for you.  first of all, listen to the band "just dave" and particularly the song "slippi...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:46:00 PST

meeting the demand for the first record

it would seem as if i have severely under-estimated the amount of people that want a copy of the "beneath the darkness" CD.  i am currently making more copies of the record for distribution. ...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:58:00 PST

a new record before the end of the year? maybe so!!!

the writing process has come a long way since i last wrote.  i recently stumbled across a notebook full of lyrics, notes and music.  i'm currently in the process of piecing these bits toget...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 01:46:00 PST

something new this way comes

it has been a while since we have last written anything new. there's been a ton of brainstorming, guitar plucking and jotting down of lyrics.  literally a whole new style of writing for me. ...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 09:24:00 PST

old songs are back, and a new one has arrived

we here at the un-holy trinity studios have decided to set forth a new group of songs on the public.  "You Know Who You Are" has been up for a few days now and has gotten a great response.  ...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 09:57:00 PST

I wrote this song for a woman to sing....

As you may have already noticed, a new song has been posted.  We've had "You Know Who You Are" hanging around for awhile, so it's by no means new, but we wanted to satisfy a recent request for so...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 09:56:00 PST

it's time to take on the world!!

exciting news from the un-holy trinity front!!!!  finally, at long last, the fruit of our labor will be soon realized.  we have chosen eleven of the best tracks and are currently ...
Posted by un-holy trinity on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 01:53:00 PST