Soccer, Drinking, Working In The Office, Hanging Out With Thrasher, Kirky, girls...and cruising around in the Mustang
The writers of The Simpsons and South Park...Funny ass shows
Pretty much anything except country yuckkkkk lol
Porn haha jp, I like action n science fiction, def. comedy and the occasional scary movie. Favorite Movies Include....Twister, Crash, Behind Enemy Lines, Signs, American Pie, Inside Man, Jarhead, every Matrix movie, Ong Back, any movie with Jet Li and tonz more
Definetely The Simpsons, Family Guy, Latin Lover, CSI, House, Numbers, Charles in Charge, Full House, Home Improvement, Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, Wild and lot's more
Definetely Of Mice And Men....NO DOUBT fav. book
Matt could someone make a better show and tell me please..bc it won't happen