University,Betty Boop, Dancing, Dreaming, Dressing up, Getting Drunk, Holding Hands, Love, Romance, Shopping, Sleeping, Seeing Friendlings, Travelling, Cinema trips, Films generally, Music, Driving, Pubbing & Clubbing, Going to gigs, going out with my family.
I would just like to spend time with all my current friends atm. I miss them all!
Bands I have seen live include: Blink 182, Royskopp, All Amercian Rejects, Athlete X3, Ghosts X2, Greenday, Kasabian (In Ibiza) The Fatellis(also in Ibiza), All the people at T4 on the beach 2006 & 2007, Taking Back Sunday, Jimmy Eat World, Hard-Fi,Muse and My Chemcial Romance and the Hooisers.
A beautiful Mind, The House Of Flying Daggers, The Labyrinth!! The Lake House, The Notebook, 10 Things I Hate About You, Little Miss Sunshine, The Fifth Element, V for Vendetta, Love Actually, Finding Neverland, Harry Potter Collection, Lord Of The Rings 1, 2 & 3 Pirates Of The cairbbean 1 & 2, The Wicker Man, Garden State, Children Of Men, A Walk To Remember, 28 days Later, My Girl, Dirty Dancing 1 & 2, Pan's Labyrinth, Ps, I Love You, Music & Lyrics & all the Disney Classics :D
I don't have a TV at uni so don't watch it anymore... just watch boxsets! :P
Reading for me is all about shutting the world out including everyone & everything in it. Its one of the only times when I can truly relax and just get lost in another world.
My mum.