CaNcELiN My SUBSCRiPTiON...I DnT NeeD No Mo iSSUES profile picture


::..All The Things That We Accept Be The Things That We Regret!!!!..::

About Me

:.GOD BLESS U..CuS U NeVa GoT BRAND NEW.: a LiL ABOUT THiS YOuNG [WOMaN]Whats up MYSPACE ViEWERS!!..yea yall have just reached the ONE && ONLY ♥MARJORiE STARKEY♥ OFFiCiAL MYSPACE PAGE!!.. CAUTiON:: iF YOU DONT LiKE ME I SUGGEST U GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY PAGE WHiLE YOU STiLL HAVE TiME TO LOOK AT SOMEONE ELSES!!! ..but I kno yall wont cause I know [I] STAY UP ON YALL MiNDS JUSS THAT MUCH!!..I know yall sO ANXiOUS to take a GLiMPSE into (MY WORLD)!!! why my page aint [PRIVATE] ...LOL..sO I HOPE YALL ENJOY it!! am 18..yes im GROWN && im on sum grown up thangs!!,anyways im 4'11..(yes i am a short one) I cosider myself SPECiAL ..yes i do!!..but im done with high school..& I AM NOW ATTENDING NATIONAL COLLEGE of YOUNGSTOWN!! ..Im getting my ASSOCIATES DEGREE IN MEDICAL ASSITING!! ..then im goin to go another year to become a R-N which is a REGISTERED NURSE!! ..4 those who dont kno!!!!..Im doin big things & yes i have the beauty && the brains..and i know what i want out of [LiFE].. I DO HAVE A J.O.B!! ...unlike sum of yu otha females!!..sO I am very iNDEPENDENT!! ....any who I am very iNTELLiGENT ((when im not mad!! OUT SPOKEN!!..&& GoOFY at times!!..&& very EASY to get along with!!..BiTCHES juss make it DiFFiCULT!! ANY WAYS!!...I keep my [FRiNEDS] to a [MiNiMUM]!!..cause its alot of phony females out here!!..but I aint no BULLSHiTTER and dont FuCk with BULLSHiT people...Im fun and loving when i am.. WARNiNG:: I can have a BAD ATTiTUDE PROBLEM ..when you PiSS ME OFF!! ...O yea did I forget to MENTiON dat im SPECiAL!! ..lolBUT if YOU get to know me Its a fact that knowing me will make YOU START LOViNG ME!!..MOST OF YOU ALREADY DO!!...LOL...&& to the ppl who DiSLiKE me or juss "LOvE" to HATE on me && MENTiON my NAME..I do *THANK* yall...but REMEMBER yall are the LEAST of my WORRiES!! KNO I STAY UP ON YALL MiNDS!!...LOL..I guess thats about it...have a NiCE DAY && GOD BLESS!!!I get The Cutest Layoutsat

My Interests

IVE BEEN THRU ALOT BUT iMA KEEP My HEAD UP LiKE I GOTTA NOSE BLEED!! Y3AH...its ♥URS TRULY♥ !!..&& I can really care less wat yU hear or say about [ME]!!...especially if i dont GiVE A FuCk about U...iM [MY] OWN PERSON..thats in a LEAGUE of her OWN!!!...I dont need NOBODY tellin me wat the FuCk to do wit ME && MY LiFE!!...I D0NT need a NiCCA to VALiDATE [ME]!....iF yU wanna be iN MY LiFE then FiNE...yU juss B3TTA have yUR STANDARDS Rite!!..cause like I said before::_I'd rather FuCk WiT the TRUTH then MAKE LOVE to A LiE!!...cause In the [END] iM GONNA ALWAYS CHO0SE ME!!...[MY] ATTiTUDE now iS:_FuCK iT!!..WATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS!!...AS far as yU BiTCHES that THiNK yall got a NiCCA::_DONT FALL iN LOVE WiT yUR iMAGiNATiON, JUSS FACE REALiTY!!..cause HALF OF YALL REALLY DONT G0T 'EM!!..yall MiSS me wit that SHYT!!...SHiT LOVE AiNT ALWAYS EVERYTHiNG!!...yALL THiNK yall KiLLiN ME by talkin all that BiG B0i shit && GOiN THRU EXTREMES TO MAKE MY LiFE MiSERABLE well ((NEWS FLASH)) -- iM STiLL BREATHiN!!...yall FEMALES OUT HERE GOT JORDAN SKiLLS::_YALL FADE AWAY!!...LOL...I had to CHANGE && REARRANGE [MY] OPTiONS iN LiFE!!...iM GROWN OUT HERE!! YA GURL iS GETTiN NONCHALANT OVA HERE!!..LOL...&& I LOVE iT!!!... sOOooO0 how yall LiKE THE N3W [ME]??..B3 FOR3AL!!! DONT TRiP!!..cause I AiNT!!! YALL THiNK iM TALKiN ALOT OF SHiT THEN YALL JUSS DONT KNO THE REAL ME!! -----[.♥.]----- Lyfe Jennings Ft. Lil' Wayne & T.I. - Brand New (Official Version) uploaded by o_eazy1..
Graphics & Layouts In life we do things. some we wish we had never done, some we wish we could replay a million times in our heads, but they all make us who we are. And in the end, those experiences shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them, we wouldn't be at the exact place that we are today. So just live. Make mistakes, and have wonderful times but never ever second guess who you are, where you have been, and most importantly, where it is that you are going...R.i.P TERRELL ROLAND iMA MiSS U..I LOVE YU ALWAYS!!!

I wasn't born to live up to your standards. I was brought here to live my life for myself, to live my life to the best of my ability. I was born to fight for myself and stand tall. I was taught to give as much as I get, and to love as much as I'm loved...

I'd like to meet:


SATiSFACTiON Alot of niggas is biXchs, alot of biXches be trippin, alot of them be WiSHiN that they was in my POSiTiON, alot of niggas be cowards & most bitches be chickens..I dont give a FUCK bout the cluck cluck..MARj aint TRiPPiN, most of the dudes is OK, half of the rest aint,talkin bout wat they wanna do but in REALiTY they cant!!..ask em wat they LiFE em draw a blank!..most of the time im nice to em, half the time im not,it aint nothin new tho..I learned it off the block..ppl think I CHANGED much juss because of the things I SAY...the way I ACT, the way i DRESS...& the things I DO! they get my voicemail,hear em call me rude..sometimes I feel bad, most of the time i dont, cus if I dont PROTECT my shit other ppl wont!, some want me to neglect it..take it for a JOKE!..I mightve FELL OFF then but TRUST ME now im WOKE!!..I know u HOPEiN that I rest so u can breathe....STRESSED when im in the same places till I leave, WHiSPER to they FRiENDS how they dont like ME, WiSH they could ERASE ME,take away the AiR I BREATHE, & I feed off that cus that shit only give me HUNGER PAiNS, yall SPiT ON MY NAME but ill NEVER let u biXches put out my flame!! ready for watever, I was TRAiNED TO MAiNTAiN!!..& I always been a SAVAGE bout the FAME!...SEPERATE the GiRLS from the WOMEN & the winnin..always knew the THRiLL WAS WORTH iT FROM THE BEGiNNiNG!..I GOTTA CONQUER iT ALL!!..NOW THE WORLDS MY MiSSiON!!..anything I want ima get it cus I know I need it,anything I need,gotta have it,bet im gon grab it!!....U See, U LiKE, U TRy, U FAiL.........~MeAnWHiLe~.........I SEE, I LiKE, I WANT I GET, & I SUCCEED!!!...... AiNT NOTHiN BETTER THAN SATiSFACTiON!!






LOVE JONES,baby boy,love & bball & menace II Society,paid n full, n scarface ......BOYS...LOVE...N HAPPINESS ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
LiL BiT bOuT mEe!!
~*LiL BiT bOuT mEe**FaVoRiTeS*HaVe u EvEr??**Do U**FiNiSh tHe LiNe**RiGhT nOw*......


anything thats good on t.v.


How You Are In Love
.. You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.You tend to give more than take in relationships.You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?


SO MANY MEMORIES uploaded by crockettGOD first n formost,my momz and my grandma(R.I.P)

My Blog

Sw33t MiSeRy,Sw33t EmOtiOn

::sweet misery, sweet emotion, boy this past year i have given u my devotion, along with the silent cries and emotional stress, i still maintained to give u the best, with all that said and done u say...
Posted by ::MaRj0Ri3:: on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 06:26:00 PST


my mind is racing with thoughts of disaster, my palms are sweating as i have flash backs of before and after, Dreams of you being with another girl haunts my head at night, My heart begins to heat as ...
Posted by ::MaRj0Ri3:: on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:01:00 PST

in the still of time

the look in your eyes is tellin me something your mouth cant say, in my head im thinkin...should i leave??, does he really love me??, or should i just stay??, i been holdin on for too long, most times...
Posted by ::MaRj0Ri3:: on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:29:00 PST