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God is in Control

About Me

I'm 25 turn 26 in March. I love God and strive to get closer to him everyday that I'm alive. I'm in Grad School right now out at Eastern finishing up my Master's in Teaching, then I will be finally done with school. I have a BA in History from Whitworth and loved the fours years I was up there. So yeah if you wanna know anything else just ask, I'm pretty open about stuff and it's cool to meet new people.

My Interests

Hiking, sitting on our hill at home in Leavenworth looking out at the whole valley, great place to just think and pray. The roof is also a good place to do those things. Reading one of my favorite things to do don't have time to do it enough though. Teaching can't wait till I have my own classroom!! Tennis starting to get back into now got 5th my senior year in high school doubles. Watching college football on Saturdays, my one true time to just not think about all I have to do.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus, Robert E. Lee, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Jerry Rice, Steve Young,


Everything but rap and not much into heavy metal but other than those pretty much everything else. I write my papers to movie soundtracks, Last of the Mohicans and Gettysburg being my favs. I read to Broadway musicals with RENT and Les Mis being my favorites there.


War movies are my favorites except when they are done wrong(Pearl Harbor). Otherwise I'll watch just about anything, haven't seen a lot of quote on quote chick flicks but my time will come for those.


Amazing Race and Seinfeld and Football(American and the Rest of the world kind)Don't really watch a lot of TV anymore guess that is a good thing.


The Bible and just about any History book and the Redwall series, Calvin and Hobbes comics


Jesus and all those in history who have made the United States what it is today.

My Blog

Blue Crush

So yeah in case you haven't been awake the Democrats got their big blue wave that they wanted.  Being the Historian I am let us relflect back.  The last time this Big wave happened it was in...
Posted by Daniel on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 05:53:00 PST

Rain and the State

So yeah just got back from home and Seattle.  Nice trip good times with my family.  Saw my niece get dedicated and baptized.  So funny because as the pastor was getting ready to pout th...
Posted by Daniel on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:53:00 PST

Nice Break

Going home to L-town for a few days and then to Seattle on sunday for my little niece's baptism.  Good times and I hear it is snowing there, even better so yea for me.  Life is started to ge...
Posted by Daniel on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 12:08:00 PST

Random Thoughts

What I'm best at and well here a few going through my mind. Also on my mind who actually reads my blogs.  I mean I average like between 20 and 25 views per blog, I have 4 readers but who else is ...
Posted by Daniel on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 11:56:00 PST

Playing with Fire

No, I'm not about to go blow something up although that would be pretty cool but not my thing.  We went up as a house this past weekend and got wood lots of it.  I think more than we had las...
Posted by Daniel on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:59:00 PST

Flags of our Grandfathers

Going with that title instead of the movie title because it was my grandfather's generation who fought in WWII.  The movie comes out this weekend and will be seeing it even if I have to go alone....
Posted by Daniel on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:34:00 PST

No better feeling

If it is not one of the best feelings it has to be right up there.  The feeling in question is going home.  Home is where it all happened where you grew up and then leave, but there is nothi...
Posted by Daniel on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 05:42:00 PST


When you look at mirror what do you see, well you see yourself but there is more to it than just ones self.  Look closer or look again and you will see the other things in the room behind you.&nb...
Posted by Daniel on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:04:00 PST

Dead Legs

So yeah played tennis today for like the first time in forever.  Most definitely my legs are way out of shape.  Right now as I get ready to go to bed they feel sore and like they weigh more ...
Posted by Daniel on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:14:00 PST


It is now indeed fall here in Spokane or if not real close to it.  Seems weird but here we are if there is one thing that is better than football in fall it is the way trees turn and and become o...
Posted by Daniel on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 05:34:00 PST