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Is it a house or a car? Both!

My Interests

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Whatever's playing at work--my ipod


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Anything on the history channel, Simpsons, and Iron Chef


Lee Ranaldo--Road Movies, Cid Corman-- Nothing Doing , Roland Barthes--The Pleasure of the Text


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My Blog

World Cup con't

Well, still going strong here in Germany. I was in Gelesenkirchen yesterday for the Argentina v Serbia Montenegro match and then went to the fan fest for the Netherlands v Ivory Coast game. The fan fe...
Posted by jpoet on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 04:49:00 PST

World Cup

Well here I am, Germany, World Cup. I was in Dortmund yesterday for the Germany/Poland game--craaaaazzzzzyyyy. We were at the stadium for a couple of hours before the game started. Tons of Polish fa...
Posted by jpoet on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 03:55:00 PST

Blog Tag

You've been tagged . i wonder if it has a tracking device attached . . .TAGOnce you have been tagged, you are to write a blog including 6 things you do that are weird, habitual, and/or an interesting ...
Posted by jpoet on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:27:00 PST