Bad News Boi!s profile picture

Bad News Boi!s

About Me

A Wenatchee, WA based punk rock 'n roll four piece (or sometimes a five piece when our other guitar player Ben felt like showin' up), with serious drinking and drug problems that undoubtedly come out in the music. The band started kind of as a joke with members from other local bands and local guys. Mostly house shows and whatnot, you know debauchery. American Values was the name. After a few line up changes things became pretty solid...for awhile, with Tanner Black on throat, Ben Reed on the four string, crazy Matt Kirk on the six, and the talented Andy Barone from Wayward Youth on the skins. After a good while of song writing and a few shows things went to hell. Not wanting to explain, Ben broke a guitar over Matt Kirks back and that's all she fuckin' wrote for Ben. So Tanner Black called up a drunkin 16 year old Brad Ovitt and said,"I hear you can play bass." He agreed to play and was eager. The band rocked it out for quite some time with moderate success. As things seem to always be happening that were either fucked up, wrong, or just plain annoying...something did. The band was playing allot of shows in a half pipe that was in a local whiskey bottle toting badass named Charlie Dugger's garage. One fucked up rocker spilled beer on Matt Kirk's overpriced amp and pedal and he got butt hurt and walked the 7 miles back to town with his, here we are. Charlie was asked to play bass if Brad switched to guitar, and when Charlie says,"I don't know how to play a fuckin' bass", Brad proceeded to teach him. Then we have the final lineup. After lot's of practice and partying things looked and sounded fuckin fantastic. After about five flyers with different names for the band were out, finally it was "The Bad News Boi!s". The name came from pretty much the idea that when we rolled into your house or venue, there was gonna be some sort of chaotic trouble....and there was plenty!Ben Reed came back in the later years touring with the band, dropping off the radar now and then, but still backin us up when it was convenient for him. Of course, not sayin he wasn't a badass guitar player...just fickle. The Wenatchee kids started perkin' up a bit and the band ended up with a decent following and plenty of fuckin bad motherfuckers supporting us to the end. These were good times with plenty of awesome bands to share the stage with...props to all of them for making music more than just music. This was a huge family that was all about each other and FUCK the rest who said otherwise.About 4 years ago the last show was played at the skate park free to all with allot of our friends there to say goodbye. For how fuckin' drunk and sick we were in the head, and for how bad we were at what we did when it mattered most, people loved it. It was OUR time, and we did it with our hearts, livers, fists, and our big fuckin dicks that the girlies couldn't get enough of. (thanks to all the sweethearts that pretended to love us just to get the bad news boy lovin';) Rock n' Roll terrorism, Murder, mayhem, and falling in love with a whiskey bottle. OI!
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests


Member Since: 21/03/2006
Band Members: Tanner Craighton Chaos - Throat/chainsmoking/love songs------------- Bradass Mutherfucker - Guitar god/sex/six pack------------- Charles McPukesalot - Big Bad Bass/puking/broken fingers------------- Italian Stallion Andy B-Rone - Laundry buckets/ladies/being mad-------------
Influences: Blitz, The Problematics, Cocksparrer, GG Allin, The Dirtys, The Reatards, Jonny Cash, Major Accident, The Virus, The Adicts, The Lower Class Brats
Record Label: I Fucked Your Mom Records

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