groupies, dealers, ian, eric cantona, other Bongo & Bass, Jazz/Thrash/psycodelia fusion bands, lexa and maddie,ian, the guy who threw that bottle at me in iceland (your a god damn dead man if i get my hands round your throat you son of a bitch), people who understand what we are about and have the vision to see through the clouds (99.9% need not apply)and ian, myself when we're kicking friday nights in the teeth!!....and ian, The guy who stole my pen to take 10 minutes write R Kelly on the bottom of a newspaper ( 6 letters and 10 minutes!!! fucking retard!!!!)I need to talk to you. My ass without having to use a mirror. Hunter S Thompson if he was still alive. Father Ted, again if he was still alive. And some of the sweet mother fookers who i've passed along the road but decided to take another route.