Carrie profile picture


Random Ramblings

About Me


This info is all so old... And yes, I need a new pic. ;)

And I couldn't help adding the Sunspot song... I swear, it's just hilarous, that's all. ;)

So yeah, scifi geek, gamer geek, fantasy writer wannabe...

"They didn't just... ask me that did they... OMFG they did!... *headdesk*"
3 Scott Bakula as well.

My Interests

Other than everything else listed below, I am addicted to World of Warcraft . *facepalm*

My Guild: Dominion of Valor

I am such teh nerd. But you just gotta love when pigs can ride goats ... and not like that, you sicko. :P

I'd like to meet:



Ranges a lot with the muses in my head, and my own odd tastes. Last iTunes downloads include: "Here (In Your Arms)" by Hellogoodbye, "The Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani, and "Give It To Me" from Timbaland.



Star Trek was my life for the longest time, and still is I suppose. I've watched since I was about 11. I started with Next Gen and kept on a going. I've been to about a dozen conventions. I do not like Kirk. heh ;) Though for the first time in 18 years there are no more new episodes and shows/films in production whatsoever. :(

Other favorites still in production or not include Firefly, Angel, Futurama, Quantum Leap, ATHF, Simpsons, Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations, The Daily Show.



My father.
Dominic Keating aka cheeky Brit actor on Enterprise. He's gorgeous , he's HI-larious, he's cute as can be. I've seen him at four cons/events. What he did with his tossed aside, never given any great lines Reed in four years is to be studied by great actors everywhere. He got his nobody, stereotypical Brit character substance and personality without any attention from the writers... and then won the writers over as well.
Anthony Montgomery aka gorgeous 'silent black man' on Enterprise. He had less luck getting the writers to notice Mayweather. He was the manditory one of two minorities. He smiled, he was adorable, but otherwise he got about, oh, two episodes in four seasons. I've seen him once at a convention and would LOVE to see him again. Hyperactive does not explain it...
Dominic AND Anthony are always adorable together as well.
And of course, I must put in a props to Gene Roddenberry. *looks down and sniffles* Trek would not have gone to shit if he were still here. Friggin' morons that took his place...