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MUSTAPHA3000 - MAN OR MACHINE? WHO CAN SAY? IN THE FUTURE THE LINES ARE BLURRED....."CHROME COVERED CLEVER CLONE CAUGHT CONTAMINATING COCHLEAS" - JOVIAN HERALD, APR.01.3000A HEADLINE FROM A MILLENIUM HENCE....THIS NEWS IS YET TO HAPPEN....'.....after 11pm (earth time). The mechano man, of a type unseen before, stopped only to give the finger to the security monitor. No retinal match was found for the entry scan, it is believed this being could be using stolen military technology to bypass security systems. Within 5 minutes the chrome covered clone had patched in to the Jupiter Mainframe, and uploaded certain organized sounds that were then pumped direct to the cochleas of all 10 billion Jovians. The resulting patterns closely resembled the 'music' of the 20th/21st centuries, if so it would be a clear violation of the galactic governments anti-boogie statute of 2250.
Indeed if it transpires that the sounds were in fact 'music', it would be the first outbreak of A.R.T in over 700 years. Doctors are describing the infection as 'rythmic in nature, bearing similarities to other common historical ailments such as dancing.........'"BEATS EXPLODE IN DISCO - SPONTANEOUS OUTBREAK OF DANCING IN FIVE PROVINCES - EARTH PRESIDENT SAYS: LETS PARTY! " - THE GALACTIC MIRROR, APR.03.3000'....Steve Starchaser and his family. 'We arrived by rocket ship from Jupiter, we sat next to him. He was exceptionally shiny, that was what i noticed first - and he had some sort of instrument, I didn't recognize it, slung under his arm. The next thing you know, our legs started moving of their own accord! I heard him say 'Hammer time', whatever that means, and all of a sudden there was a party over here, a party over there and then everybody put their hands in the air, like they just didn't care! I've never known anything like it, and I've been to Pluto on a Friday night!' Rumour has it that shortly after this outburst the android fled into one of the timetravel booths at the rocket-port........'THERE ARE FEW CLUES, AND FEWER FACTS, AGAIN, THIS HASN'T HAPPENED YET, BUT IT'S ONLY A MATTER OF TIME, 994 YEARS TO BE PRECISE......"RAVING ROBOT IN DECKS, FX, SEX 'N' SPEX SHOCKER!" - THE SUNDAY SPORT,
MAR.20.2006'...was well up for it, he said! He had these weird records that all went BANGTYBANGBOOMCRASHWALLOP and then WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHHHHHHHPPPPING.'
'He's so shiny, like a giant muscle bound biro. One of them posh biros. With legs. And arms an' a head an' that' , said Michelle, 24, from Beasleyford, Lancs, 'I loved it when he got his specs on. I think they were X-Ray, cos he couldn't stop looking at ......'MUSTAPHA 3000 MUSTAPHA 3000 MUSTAPHA 3000 MUSTAPHA 3000 MUSTAPHA 3000................HE IS ALREADY HERE!.............IS HE ALREADY HERE?...............................