Cliff profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

A little about me ... I guess you can say I'm just one to make life a happy place, as well as spread the happiness to all those that are around me. That is, as long as you don't mind the chronical incense!

My Interests

Danc'n, Dj'n, Puff'n, Ball'n, Gambl'n, Foto Tak'n

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and everyone!!! Don't be picky about those you meet, you may just be passing up the friendship of a lifetime. So go out and meet the world! Friends always makes the best lovers. And the world is filled with friends. Just live life and explore!


Yes, I luv music!!!


Disney & Pixar Films!!! woohoo!!!


"This is your brain ... this is television ... this is your brain on television" Television is the devil! Well, besides SouthPark and Simpsons. They know that today's news and television is nutt'n but crazy COMEDY in the crazy world we live in.


Sword of Shanara series, Harry Potter series, DaVinci Code, Tuesdays With Morrie


Why can't we all be ... Heroes

My Blog

Do we Work to Live ... or Live to Work!

I'm so sick of working for a boss. All management do is sit on their stupid fat asses and dick around all day. If you don't catch them in their offices fuck'n around, you're surely to hear those stu...
Posted by Cliff on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST