After 20 hours of labor my mom (who's a rockstar) gave birth to me. Ok, I'm not gonna go into details like that anymore. I live in NYC and make my living recording, producing, designing sound for plays and films, concert engineer, tour manager, and wet nurse.I was born at sea on the great ship Lollipop. I have great sea legs. The sea can be a cruel mother, but I love her. I grew up sailing (believe it or not there are lakes in MO), playing baseball, soccer, golf, and running cross country. I played trumpet and sang thru college and have been seen in a McDonald's wearing an Elizabethan costume (no stares from the farmers then).My parents did a good job of putting up wi..I mean raising me. My sister survived as well. (thanks for pulling me out of the pool sis, next time grab my hands and not my ankles)I became ambassador the the great state of La Maisson du Chocolat after eating a champagne truffle. You should also try these little treats called "Sweet Riot" chocolate covered cacao nibs...yummie.I have a toucan named Fucker who repeats every sick thought that comes out of my mouth twice, a perfect fourth higher in pitch. He was aquired from CrackerBarrel, a fine American eating establishment.Ok enough crap about me. I want to know about you so hit me up with some mail kids.Until then...
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !