...:)'M@ttHe'W(:... profile picture


I choose to Be the Chosen

About Me

Loven Life, and livin'it in abundance. I'm from Texas, and a really big family man. I'm one of five kids, 3sisters 1bro, My bro is like my right arm, don't know what it'd be like for him to be like my left arm because I'm left handed so it would be weard... but then so is everything I'm saying sooo... anyway.... I now live in Florida, why? Why you ask? very good question, and if I liked you enough to tell you the whole story, well then you wouln't be asking now would you! I basicly am following the call of God. I' tell you more later... when I'm feeling more deep and all that jazz.Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I love to sing, and write songs, Im gonna be learning guitar and keyboard soon so it'll help out in that dept. I also do a little bit of modeling too, nothing big...yet=) but Im going to dive into that more. Yep -got alot goin on for the future!

I'd like to meet:

1) Smith Wigglesworth 2) Lester Sumrall, Because they were really awsome men of God. 3)Jessica Alba!!! 4) Halley Barry 5)Natalie Portman, Because think they are some of the most beautful women. 6)King Edward the 1st and 7)King Henry the3rd, Because accoring to the family historian... we're somhow related. 8) Angolina Jolie because she seems to be more than just boobs and big lips, even though they are a many wonderous attributes she seems to actually care about somthing bigger than herself. but most of ALL, I wanna meet Ashley Wayman! 3!


Gorillaz, maroon5, Gaven DeGraw, U2, Justin Timberlake, Vanhalin, and some of Marilin Manson, Nikle Back, Five for Fighting, Prince, Narvahna, ....Im really eclectic
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My favorits are The Lord Of The Rings Triology, All of the Star Wars, Harry Potter, Chronicles Of Narnia, SuperMan-Returns(and all the old ones too), Mulan Rouge, Chicago, Resendent Evil 1&2, BatMan-Begins, All the X-Men movies,


I dont get to watch much lately, But I like SmallVille, Sex and the City, Family Guy, Futurama, Will & Grace *shut up its funny!* and SpongeBob-SquarePants, Drake & Josh, Oh~After~Dark -haha j/k , OK Yeah...and I dont watch much 'eh?...right.


I don't really read much books... I'm really more of a magazine kind of guy. I like Consumer Automotive type mags, not the stupid tuner ones, that feed all the "fast and furious" hypes.


Jesus Christ, the Holy spirit, and My Heavenly father and Dr. Christian and Dr. Robin Harfouche, My Pastors.. and My Parents In the Faith

My Blog

episode II Miracle Boy....The saga continues!......

Ok so I left you with My mom draging my but to church right, well .....what happed to me was awesome, it was life changing....and I would never be the same after, but wait I jump ahead too much here.....
Posted by ...:)'M@ttHe'W(:... on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:03:00 PST

Well I told you, I'd tell you more bout Me when I'm fellin deep

Ok so like I said before, right? I'm from dallas.   Ok so this is why I am hear......I grew up in a semi- religious christian home,  When  iwas a a very small childI was so adven...
Posted by ...:)'M@ttHe'W(:... on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 11:16:00 PST