ud33n profile picture


need something..i am lost..

About Me

My name is urhh..why dont u all just call me uden.just simple n easy to shout!huhu..im 23 years old..currently still n still looking for suitable jobs.thinking about studying back n sumtimes thinking about to get a job..haihhh..tatau la..
i was born in Terengganu Darul Iman on 1st April 1985.(oh april fool! iknew what u've just think!bluwekk! bia ar!hehe..)im the youngest among my adik beradik.and im the only one lelaki.miahaha..
Study skool - sk dato keramat 2, sk tmn seri rampai, smk wangsa maju sek 5, smk(a) segambut jaya, smt teknik gombak.
study high edu - akademi infotech mara (now known as unikl-MIIT) in diploma science computer multimedia.
I love to be part of art n design multimedia industry..i like to draw conteng2 sane sni, color2, sgt suke coz that's my hobbies. Nak job utk dsgner, but x pnah berpeluang..huhu..and mayb nk cont study in art n dsgn..(degree) to polish my skill be a better art freaker! muahaha..
thats all bout me..feel free to drop me some comments to know me more..tata titi tutu..

My Interests

drawings + musics + dvd + arts + cars + guitar

I'd like to meet:

my buddies..my ex school mate, my ex collegemate, my ex gurl...ehh no no.huhu.. anybody wants to be frens r all accepted..



john mayer + linkin park + eric clapton + hujan + kerispatih + letto + faizal tahir + dewa + muse + audioslave + creed + glay + gigi + so7 + the strokes + estranged + mnasir + ade ar lagi..lupe..


action + comedy + thriller + fantasy
my favourite :- back to the future indiana jones transformers Spiderman Harry potter Lord of the ring all nicholas cage film


+Prison break
+Whose line is it anyway?
+MTV & channel [V]


+Ahadiat akashah novel.. dulu2 aku rajin la bace.Skrang nih malas.


my family + my buddies + my love do visit my art gallery..http://ud33n.deviantart.com

My Blog

02 - katun illustrator aku.. [illustrator]

01 - pompuan vector02 - budak comey.. illustrator..03 - nih aku ngan katun.. hehe 04 - nih t-shirt bikin utk teetonic.com competition.. tapi kne reject..isk.....
Posted by ud33n on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:29:00 PST

03 - nih artwork aku pakai photoshop

01 - poster nih aku lukih dulu, scan. pastuh baru masuk kale pakai photoshop..02 - nih band aku dulu..saje nak wat graphical sket..03 - nih band aku gak.. 04 - ada apa dgn kite beb? hehe.. pakai photo...
Posted by ud33n on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:20:00 PST

01 - artwork aku [vector art]

01 - Nih first vector aku.. 02 - Nih vector aku yg seterusnye.. ngeh2..03 - Nih vector aku wat utk mr.chapit.. malu sey.die lagi hebat dari aku..04 - Nih plak adik mmbr aku.. tlg wat kan.. (buat time ...
Posted by ud33n on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 12:20:00 PST