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Acclaimed by Ministries Today as "America's Number One Youth Pastor," Jeanne Mayo has thrown her heart and passion into youth ministry for nearly four decades. Her ministry DNA is reflected in her life mission statement: "The motivation and mentorship of Kamikaze Christianity into practicing and potential Kingdom champions."Jeanne's ministry has placed her in high demand as a youth ministry and youth leadership communicator. She has criss-crossed the U.S. and the globe, speaking in countless venues to teenagers, college students as well as their leaders. Now one of her greatest joys during these travels is to re-connect with some of her hundreds of spiritual sons and daughters in fulltime ministry all over the world.In recent years, Jeanne founded Youth Leader's Coach (formerly Youth Source), a non-profit organization that seeks, "To instruct, equip, inspire and encourage the youth pastors and youth leaders of this generation."Through Youth Leader's Coach, Jeanne is now focusing on leaving a legacy for youth pastors and youth leaders of this generation. She is a coach, mentor and "Big Sis" to youth leaders around the world. Her passion is invested into a group of youth leaders she mentors called The Cadre.Jeanne is also pouring her heart into creating resources designed specifically for those impacting the lives of teenagers. She is a regular columnist for Group Magazine and Ministries Today. She recently authored the popular leadership book, Thriving Youth Groups. Her latest popular book release is Uncensored: Dating, Friendship and Sex! People are continuing to praise it's blunt yet humorous honesty on hot topic issues.In response to Jeanne's achievements in youth and young adult ministry, Oral Roberts University awarded her a Doctorate of Divinity. Jeanne also sponsors, through Youth Source, her bi-annual National Youth Leaders' Conference. This widely acclaimed event has become one of the largest gatherings of its kind, drawing over 3,000 youth pastors and leaders in 2005. Her next N.Y.L.C., Epicenter, will be hosted in Dallas March 30th-April 1st, 2009.Jeanne found her way to the cross as a young teenage woman. After college, she married her "hero," Pastor Sam Mayo, who has been the Senior Pastor at most places she served. Jeanne considers her most cherished accolade, however, to be that she is the proud mom of two adult sons, Josh and Justin. Jeanne's favorite quote comes from missionary Jim Elliot which contains the words that motivate her to live out her life mission …“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.â€