Reading, writing, drawing, singing, philosophy, dreams and dreaming, reality, consciousness, death, dying, eternal recurrence, politics (only pretty recently), time, space, states of being, empathy, apathy, psychosis, OBEs-Out-of-Body-Experiences...
Myself vicariously through you.
The last of the mohicans
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The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Seinfeld, Futurama...
All of Carlos Castaneda's work, Behold A Pale Horse, The Atman Project, Sex Ecology and Spirituality, The Wheel of Time series, The Illuminatus, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, Anything by Philip K. Dick- VALIS, THE DIVINE INVASION, THE TRANSMIGRATION OF TIMOTHY ARCHER, Shakespeare, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Genesis of the Cosmos, The Tutankhamen Prophecies, Weaveworld, Leviathan, The Astrological Neptune, Otherland, The Holy Bible (interesting once you're free of Christianity), David Icke stuff, Beyond Good and Evil, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy...
No such thing.