Create Your Own!Well, first off..everyone knows I am the "Butterfly Princess. I also love photography. I've worked at Glamour Shots, and am currently enrolled in 9 photography courses. Soon I will have all my certifications. I do family portraits, model portfolios, artistic nude, pets, individuals, weddings, and other special events. So if you live in Aiken, SC or Augusta, Ga...hit me up.
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I love 80's and 90's music! My favorites are Madonna (of course), Phil Collins, Amber, Roxette, and Michael Jackson. I rarely listen to music thats on the radio. One rapper that I really like is "Da Professor". Yeh, you made me a fan Orca! Go check out his music. You can find his albums at Sam Goody or CD's & more. He's a real sweetheart and I know he's got everything it takes to get to the top...including a friend that will always believe in him and his dreams. So anyways check out his site:
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"Notebook" & when I was a kid I loved "Commando", "Rambo", and "Dirty Dancing"
The Girls Next Door, and MTV Cribs...cause one day, you'll see my house on there!
The Bible of course!
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In reality, I never had anybody to look up to.. but in my fantasy world...Mariah Carey. She had a rough childhood and came from nothing. But thru all the obstacles she found the way to her dreams.All I've ever wanted was to be a princess and live the fairytale life. Not everyone can say they finally are!!!