I was born, raised, educated,
and altered in France. Proud Portuguese descendant, I try to keep my origins as
vivid as possible even though it is hard when I am roughly 6,000 miles away from
“homeâ€. Longe dos olhos, mas tao perto do coracao, con certeza.
I came to Los Angeles on Sunday December 16, 2001 at night. It was a mess back
then for at least few months to adjust to LA. Since then I’ve graduated from Cal
State LA, found a job in Export Sales in downtown, worked (and still working) my
way through the complicated and very long process of immigration procedures (I
will do it on my own bitches… believe that). When I will get my papers done
(work permit first, then Green Card), I will work on a MBA. Until then, I will
wait patiently and simply work.
My family is everything for me: Mae, Pai e Irmae. Not only did they helped me
pay for the ridiculous out of state student fees, but they also provided me with
an unconditional support throughout all the difficulties I encountered since I
have been here. Os amo para sempre!
My friends here in LA are my second family, and without some of them, I would
not be where I am now. They know who they are. I will do anything to help them,
because I know I can count on them 24/7. I would never hesitate, not a split
Of course, nothing would really be what it is right now without my partner in crime, my Girlfriend. Te Amo!
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