All who apply: mean people, Keen people, People that are in Between people. nice people, Rolling dice people, People with hearts of Ice people. cool people, School people, People who follow the rules people. sweet people, Neat people, People who Rub your feet people. bug people, Smug people People who give you hugs people. funny people, Nunny people, People who are tidy and cunning people. smart people, Warm heart people People who wanna be Apart from people. lazy people, Crazy people, People who pick daisies people. joke people, Coke people, People who like to poke you people. dish people, Fish people, People who like to wish people. mopey people, Dopey people, People with lots of hopey people. seer people, Deer people, People who like to Drink beer people. trail people, Sail people, People who give you your Mail people. shoe people, True people, People who paint with blue people. dog people, Smog people, People who like to saw logs people. baby people Maybe people, People who drive A Mercedes people. close people, Nose people, People who goes where you goes people. ring people Thing people, People who like to sing people. candy people, Dandy people, People whose names are Randy people. work people, Jerk people, People who are a Salesclerk people. phone people, Alone people, People who examine bones people. style people, Smile people, People who Run for miles people good people, Wood people, People who are hoods people. scream people, Ice cream people, People who dare to dream people. :)