I'd like to meet:
It's not so much that I'd want to meet anyone..pretty much just stay in touch with the people I know...but what the heck...I'm always just one jump away from making a new friend.
I'm pretty much country....but I enjoy jazz and blues and a ton of things I've listened to on other people sights that even though I haven't heard before I still like the music
My favorite movies are like my favorite people...they'll do something that'll surprise me..Sixth Sense..Fight Club..Usual Suspects..I'm for something that you can't figure out in the first ten minutes.
Not a ton of T V....unless there's a football game on or it's CSI or a good movie or learning from the pros the in's and out's of Texas Holdem
I'm a real Koontz fan....I've read just about everything he's written I'd guess but as I'm always reading someone new I like alot of different authors
My heroes are the men and women of my past and present who have in some way guided me to become the person that I am.