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Kathleen }l{

They say I'm crazy but I have a good time...

About Me


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I am 22 and just graduated from James Madison University in May. I am currently job hunting and wandering between states!! What else, I feel a day without laughter is a day wasted. I really like to abbreviate things and make up words for no reason. I am a horrific speller (I blame my time in Catholic school). I am told I am funny. I love to tell stories and reminisce about the “good old days”. I am really family and friend oriented. I am loyal, usually to a fault. I am quasi political but I don’t think it should consume your life or determine your friends. I love taking photos! I really love color and adding my own little flare on things. I like to decorate. Unlike most girls I don’t really like the process of shopping, but I do like the end result of finding something perfect for you. I am really stubborn (trying to work on that). With that I am really honest and sometimes that is hard for people to take, but all is said with love. I like to read chick novels and watch ABC family movies. I prefer the honest truth over sugar coated lies, being lied to hurts a lot more. I try to see people in light of who they are and give them the benefit of the doubt. I like to do event planning and I am told I am pretty good at it. I can honestly say I loved High School and miss it sometimes. I also am in love with the college I went to, it’s a really unique place full of amazing people. I love taking walks at night. I believe you should volunteer your time and donate what you can to charity. I like cop and law shows. My most watched channels are probably ABC, TNT, USA, TBS, the Style Network and E!. My favorite summer time thing is going to Fireworks. My favorite city is New York but DC is growing on me. I am pretty easily entertained and can have fun doing pretty much anything. I actually like to work and I am not good at just loafing around. I love to wear skirts in the summertime. I still sleep with the pound puppy I have had since I was two (his name is ruffy). I love watermelon. I want to travel the world before I am too old to really enjoy it. I actually do like cats (dogs too). I hate being home alone. I don’t eat meat off the bone unless my dad (or someone else) cuts it off for me. My family steals pint glasses from bars/ restaurants. I want to be a super PTA mom but work too. In sixth grade I had an obsession with cows and started a club about it.I am kind of OCD about things being symmetrical. I can talk on the phone for hours. I can carry a converstation about most anything. I like to know different types of people. I like to learn (not really class room style). I always did really well in school but never put in any effort. I am pretty obsessesed with being Irish. Umm well This is already too long so later! LOL .

Once a Jersey girl , always a Jersey girl .

Mad love up to the 973 . Love my Yayas !!

Madison, James Madison!


My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" .. You Are 96% New Jersey!

Wow, you're totally Jersey. There's no doubt about it. Congratulations, and always be proud to be Jersey--it's a great thing to be!

How New Jersey Are You?

My yayas, my family, Law, la musica, insane Parties, Politics, animals, reading, Government, party/event planning, The New York Yankees, Community Service, being awesomely Irish, debating people, hanging with my friends, The Duke Dog, JMU, the M3 Family, all fruit, keeping it positive, being the LOTP (life of the party),going out to eat, meeting new people, being loud, having fun, adventures, road trips, causing scenes, ruckus in the fuckus, I dunno ~ whatever floats my boat!

I'd like to meet:


I really love most music but country takes me a while to warm up to... if ever! LOL


I never really get to watch things regularly but I like: Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Family Guy, All Law and Orders, The Closer, Saved, Project Runway, Without a Trace, CSI, Late night with Conan, Daily Show, Friends, Sex and the City, Yankees, Fox News, 90s Sitcoms, cartoons etc. However I really hate reality TV (minus Fashion and makeover shows, OH and the Girls Next Door)


I like to read for different reasons so it really depends but I loved Da Vinci Code, Sister Hood of the Traveling Pants Series, All Harry Potters, Angels and Demons, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Notebook etc. I read a lot of Jennifer Weiner, Emily Giffin, Lauren Weisberger.. I also like to read the high school style classics, etc


I personally look up to my parents and my sisters. But, Brad DePascale is a true hero, I dont think one person has affected and moved an entire community the way he did. RIP Brad, you are missed. this layout is from whateverlife.com!