CJBallard profile picture


It's raining sideways!

About Me

Hello to all. Metamorphasis can be a wonderful thing when it happens in your favour. Invariably it doesn't but I often persue nonetheless. And when it does I rejoice.
A lack of Topman would decimate my wardrobe. A lack of nicky clarke would leave me with wavey hair.
I want to do Math at Oxford university.
Henry, for being our princess, our maths 'tard, my fashion inspiration, my drinking/drug buddy, and for your OCD cleaning.
Smash, for being constantly OTT and understanding, being completely lovesick and sweetass, she will be here soon my friend.
Matt, for being in my band with much talent, and showing me that there's a world out there just waiting for me to make friends with it.
Wragg, for being my lab partner/spooning buddy, with whom I can stare at Miss in quiet awe, and the oracle in sheer amazement.
Chris, for being THE GENETRATOR and making everyone appreciate their sound health that little bit more...
Ali, for being my fineass bitch =]

My Interests

Outside school and academical achievement (which is my strength, though obviously isn't that impressive or cool in the context of myspace) music's my main thing... I play guitar and paino and form one quarter of Scott Free who recently (and inadvertantly) headlined at Junktion 7... I can play football in goal but I'm better at badminton, I have a silver medal and everything =D

I'd like to meet:

Blackman weather forecast


Interpol, Bloc Party, Foals, Maximo Park, Young Knives, Jack's Mannequin, Arcade Fire, The Cribs, Editors, Muse, The Futureheads, The Rakes, REM, Wolfmother, Placebo,


Sin City, The Prestige, Shaun Of The Dead, Donnie Darko, V For Vendetta, Jonnie English, Secret Window, Jarhead


Skins, Family Guy, Mock The Week, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Top Gear, Mitchel and Webb (peep show), Rex The Runt, American Dad, Alan Partridge, Brasseye, Look Around You, Futurama, League Of Gentlemen, Absolute Power, QI and Waking The Dead.


Lord of the flies (with the conch and all)


Bill Gates, For showing popularity counts for nothing in this world and Noel Edmonds for proving how much you make a twat of yourself, you can always make a comeback

My Blog

The Official Laws Of Frisball

The Official Laws of Frisball As Dictated By The F.A. (Frisball Association) 1. Players on the Field Of Play.                 ...
Posted by CJBallard on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 08:17:00 PST


The prom is in seven months people! Stop being so god damn organised! ...
Posted by CJBallard on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 03:13:00 PST


So how do I propose I raise the £65 for my trio of concerts (muse/placebo/automatic) this autumn? With steady employment as a referee/jacket potato salesman of course!...
Posted by CJBallard on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 04:45:00 PST