so yeah...
this is me
I'm Dave...Im an easy going person and always try to be nice if people are nice to me
I decided to create a my space because I was being bullied by various individuals for not having one.
For those of you who don't know me, this is who i am...
* I'm wild - Love having a laugh with mates
* I sometimes have a tendacy of doing things completely out the norm - To break convention and pull it off is oh so amusing
* I am loyal - Always keep my good friends close and will stop at nothing to be sure they're all peachy, there not much i wouldnt do for them
* My taste in music has the widest contrast, its actually quite bizarre. I tend to group my taste in music not by genre, but whether they are just plain good songs or not!
* I eat alot of unhealthy shit, consisting of fish & chips, kfc, pizza hut, indians, chinese, mcdonalds, burger king etc etc. I will probably die at the age of 30 but i just love the idea of having your food on the spot - i don't really like waiting
* Anyone that takes trips to IKEA at 1am solely to buy their hot dogs is on the same wave length as me
* I go to bed at obscene hours of the morning most days as i'm usually eating, watching movies, chatting 2 peeps or going for midnight adventures in my car with mates and feeling like death in the morning when I gotta wake up for work! Each time i wake up, i vow never to do that again (but i still havn't learnt my lesson)
* Some would say i'm a bit of a rebel, but that's just because they read books and i don't.
* I can cook a meeaaan stir fry - Just ask, i'll be glad to honour you with it. Who knows, i might even give you a plate with it...but you gotta be in my real good books for that, or a girl who i fancy, or sum1 who watches the O.C.
* I got a bad habbit of terrorising petrol stations in a padded superman outfit with m8s. Their reaction is just priceless, love it
* Also got a bad habbit of taking life too seriously. Gotta learn to laugh it off when people act stupid
* I'm very blunt/straight to the point/no-nonsense - some people aren't too keen on that quality, particularly when a girl asks me a question and I give an honest reply
* I take the gherkins out of my big mac
* I like the smell of petrol
* I sleep with the TV on
* Chavs humour me
* It's pretty hard to make me laugh. I can keep a dead straight face all the way through Lee Evens - doesnt amuse me at alllllllllll. But I did have a laughing fitt when someone fell over in mcdolalds, bought another meal and then slid over again on their own drink they spilt (Only a rudeboy would do that)
* I don't like the green one's in starburst
* I dislike dishonest people - they smelllllll of you know what
* I love jelly tots, can eat insane amounts, I can just neva seem 2 find anywhere that sells them - any tips will be greatly appreciated to help me on my quest
* Mischa Barton is hott (I just thought i'd throw that in somewhere here)
* I used to love the cereal, lucky charms. If you know what that is, I can safely say you're cool and got the upbringing every kid deserves
* In walkabout, I managed to haggle 4 lolly pops for 1 pound, and got a spray of after shave - don't know ne1 that's beaten me on that 1 yet...
* I get super upset when band's on myspace add me. They deserve to be wedged through the middle of a tyre and rolled down a long hill - DONT DO IT
Well thats enough of me :)
Add me to msn if you wanna chat: [email protected]
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