♥Quentin's Girl♥ profile picture

♥Quentin's Girl♥

Born to die yet raised to live - to HIM my ♥ I freely give!

About Me

Merry CHRISTmas to all who are reading this! I pray that your holiday is filled with joy and that the sweet presence of the one who was born to die for your sins would overwhelm you!

Celebrating the BIG 30 with my best friend!

Christmas MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Happy Birthday Jesus!

this picture seems so appropriate for my life right now..

though troubled waters surround me, i'll hold tightly to my jesus! he's my rock, my salvation, and my hope!

My true love.. Spud! :)

My Best Friend Rose.. She's one of a kind!
We are total opposites.. but I think that's what makes us such good friends!
I love you Rose!

My friend Shelly! She's now in Germany.. far away from me.. but within driving distance of the European Hello Kitty Headquarters! I am so jealous!
I miss you Shelly!

My beautiful *Oink Oink* sisterhood member, Pam. She's now a Georgia Peach!
Love you big sis!

My cute teenie-bopper friends Britney and Aimee..
Sometimes there are advantages to being the photographer..
I get to post the pictures first! hehe
Love you ya cuties!

I'd like to meet:

Even though I sometimes feel alone..
I know he's there carrying me!

For every trial, temptation, suffering and battle I have to endure - Jesus died.
Not so I could walk this earth without a purpose - but that my lifes purpose would be to walk with him!

My Baby, Spud! He lays around all day, comes and goes as he pleases, and has us catering to his every need.
What do we get in return? A bed full of cat hair, a bunch of purring, and the occasional affectionate rub. He has us eating out of the palm of his paw and he knows it! Yet, somehow, we love him all the more for it!

there has been a report of missing food throughout the neighborhood...
at last, the culprit has been found...
still licking his chops from his latest raid...

Drowning in a sea of hopelessness and fear, I cried out for help.
I screamed, but no one heard.
The harder I struggled to get free from my torment the tighter the cold, iron shackles gripped my soul.
Finally, coming to the end of myself, I let go of all that I knew and all that I was.
It was only a small window of surrender - one I never thought He would be able to fit through.
Yet that small opening was a great chasm to my God!
In a moment's time He took His finger of mercy and touched my heart.
Never will I be able to fully describe all that transpired that day...
All I know is I was lost - dead - nothing; but now I have hope, peace, and love.
My beautiful, wonderful saviour gave all that He was so that I could experience all that He is.
Now I am free - I can run through fields of grace and I can gaze into the face of the One who loves me unconditionally.
I pray that my life is a reflection of His perfect image.
This is who I am - Daughter of Jesus Christ; The King of Kings!


I took a picture of this Beauty and The Beast display when I was at Disney last year.
I have always loved the message of this movie..

The true beauty and gentleness of a person is not always found on the outside..

Taking the time to search out the hidden man of someone's heart may reveal a treasure that would have been lost to us had we not been looking for it..


Well, as much as I love Chocolate.. I would have to say that Jesus is even better! And he's fat free!!


My Blog

sometimes the storms have to break us...

i am thinking on a passage in job tonight: Job 23:8-15    Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him:  On the left hand, where he ...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:39:00 PST

sometimes i cry...

sometimes i cry -   not even understanding my own emotions,      hot tears of release pour out of me..but then he comes!my strength and my comfort,   he re...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:20:00 PST

random thoughts...

well, i haven't posted anything in a while because i haven't had much to say.. there are multiple things going on in my head right now.. so, maybe that's what i should talk about.. being tha...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:41:00 PST

square blocks don't fit circular holes..

i was having a conversation with a friend the other night and we were talking about being in that 'secret' place with the lord where he just consumes you.. where you are so captivated with him that yo...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 08:22:00 PST

paper people.. an old poem of mine..

i wrote this poem just after i had graduated highschool.. gulp.. almost 12 years ago.. i remember at the time thinking it was so profound.. lol, reading it now my feelings are entirely different. anyh...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 11:40:00 PST

what i learned from a bad haircut.....

ok.. well, i got my haircut last week.. and what started out as a hopeful venture turned into something disastrous! however, as i am well accustomed to in my walk with the lord, he has chosen this eve...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 05:04:00 PST

i'm not so different from blind bartimaeus...

i was listening to the radio the other morning and the djs were talking about the story of blind bartimaeus.. 'jesus, thou son of david, have mercy on me'.. he cried.. he knew the one who could make ...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:55:00 PST

a little soap and water never hurt anyone....

Just the other day a friend was reminding me of the fact that sometimes the Lord will allow us to travel some hard places without bailing us out the first time we feel the struggle of the circums...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:46:00 PST

my favorite story...

I received this story in an email many years ago and it has stuck with me ever since. In many ways I was just like the little girl in the story.. Unwilling to let go of the things I held most dear.. O...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Thu, 03 Aug 2006 06:58:00 PST


I am on the road for 2 hours a day back and forth to work.. this affords me tons of free time to sit back and ponder.. Today's subject of mental deliberation was the word 'wait'. It's a tough word to...
Posted by ♥ Michelle ♥ on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 07:53:00 PST