*Music*Art* *Playing in a RnR band * *Movies*Dogs* *Clothing*vinyl turntables* *girls*motorcicles*Musclecars* *Getting drunk*Telepizza*joints*
James Brown, Rolling Stones,Jimi Hendrix, Doors, johnny cash, Bob Dylan,Neil young, Beach boys, Donovan,Velvet underground, MC5, Stooges,Los violadores, New york dolls, Ramones, Talking heads, Wire,Richard Hell & the voidoids, Patty Smith, Dead Boys, Television, Blondie, The only ones, Damnned,Sex pistols, the Clash, J.T the heartbrakers,Damned, Dead Kennedys, Generation X, Ziggy Sturdust, Slade, Trex, Moot and the hoople,Birthday Party, Nick cave, Ac/dc, Police, Alice Cooper, Hanoi Rocks, Dogs d..amour, Smack, Guns And Roses, The Cult, Lords of the New church, Motorhead, Die Toten Hosen, Social Distortion, Adolescents,Masacre palestina, Massacre, Minor threat,
Tsol, Mudhoney, Hole, Calamity Jane, Butt hole surffers, Nirvana,Alice in chains, Soudgarden, The Muffs, Screaming trees, Walkabouts, sisters of Mercy, Love and Rockets, Alien sex fiend, Sonic Youth, The Cramps, Cynics, Fuzztones, Miracle workers, Sonics, Red Kross, Gluecifer, Hellacopters, Turbonegro ...
Please kill me, Gillian Mc Cain-Legs Mc Neil, Junk- William Burroughs, On th road-Kerouac, los subterraneos-Kerouac, Flash -(???) Trainspoting-Irivine Walsh, Babel Patty Smith, (Edgar Alan Poe) , La melancolica muerte del chico Ostra -Tim Burton, Patti Smith, Hell..s Angels Hunter -Thompson, Taschen Books...