well offcourse as all people has interest in this...i bet (EATING)hehehehehehe and uummmmm.......sleeping while teachers are blaberring stuffs,gett ing myself n not so deep trouble all the time,what else PRAYING perhaps coz im a proud born again christian,internet as uv'e noticed (im also n friendster and if u wanna invite me just nvite me in this e-mail ad [email protected]),I ALSO LOVE STARING AT MY REFLECTION,study,talk about gooey icky stuffs!!! i guess thats all !!!!!!!!super thanks 2 all of u guys!!!!!!!PLEASE LET UR OYHER FRIENDS INVITE ME.....OKI DOKI!!!!!!!!!!
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well anyone who is interested in meeting me 2!!!specifically people who rocks and jamming. I guess that's pretty it!!!
Oh boy im a movie freak,like my money is eaten up by my movie addiction......... i have a lotta fav. movies..............umm thats all.
TELEVISION....plays a very vital role in everyone's life.