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Curly Jefferson

Let's unwrite these pages and replace them with our own words.

About Me

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I have some weird obsession with David Bowie's bulge.
Obscenity is a habit of mine.
My boyfriend is the most amazing guy ever, srsly. He is mineminemine. (:
I chew too much gum and drink too many energy drinks. Junky foods rule my diet.
I'm tall and it makes me awkward.
I'm constantly chuckling at unfunny shit.
I've been known to disappear for weeks at a time.
Multitasking is not for me, especially in social situations.
I tend to fall, trip, stumble, tip, and topple over just about anything.
I'm really hard on myself but forgive others too easily.
I'm shy around cute boys.
Purple hair is a goal of mine. As well as owning every Disney movie ever.
I name almost everything.
I don't watch much television besides ANTM, Arrested Development, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, and Gilmore Girls. Mainly because cable is non-existent where I'm staying.
I met my best friend at Denny's.
I base who I date off the fit of their hands.
I write sometimes.
Doodling and cartooning has become second nature to me after years of illustrating on backs of tests and blank homework assignments.
I make more mistakes than most people.
I'm a daydreaming girl and it gets me in trouble.
Open minded in almost anything besides food, I like what I like when it comes to what goes in my mouth. I'm open to new experiences otherwise.
I can be either obnoxiously loud and outgoing, or ridiculously shy and withdrawn.
I pace and orbit when I'm bored, and it drives my family insane.
I like the idea of being domesticated, but can't cook or clean for the life of me.
I have low self-esteem.
I'm terribly upfront about my flaws and it sometimes makes people uncomfortable.
I make fun of myself more than anyone else will ever make fun of me.
My friends and I have seriously thought out our zombie escape plan for the upcoming zombie apocalypse.
I love coloring books and big windows that touch the floor and ceiling.
I actually enjoy learning but can't discipline myself to do the work. I could listen to lectures all day and be perfectly content.
I need a job.
I haven't finished high school traditionally.
I know all the words to all the songs in A Goofy Movie.
I'm tired of typing.

Do ya love meh? I'm OLD GREGG.

My Interests

Real cool guys.

These three goons are basically my everything right now. Srsly. Beck keeps me sane, Elan keeps me happy, and Jeff keeps me laughing.

R.I.P. Mailroom Mondays. D:

Best Friend, totally gone.

Boyfriend, nappling. :3

Best Bud, partying.

Allyson makes me feel less klutzy.

FUCKING MICHAEL MONTANO. My Honduran boy. Mr. Em still hates us for spilling water on his microscope. And for calling him Vagina Bush behind his back. Lolz.

OMG LESLEY. We have crazy adventures that take us to bars and end with us sleeping in her car.

Amanda and David.

David and Amanda.

I'd like to meet:

Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer, and Matt Leblanc.

I am in love with the show FRIENDS.
These people, too:

Best friends since 1990. I LOVE YOU LAUREN!
Allyson Garcia, Jamie Larrabee, Michael Montano, Brian McBrianBri, Sean Frolander, Amanda Clark, Spencer, Mamabear, Lyvie Lou, Lesley Berg, Tessa Hope, and Uncle Michael are my LIFE. You'd better recognize fool.
I also really love Dodger, Elvis, Ruthie, Arthur William Prescott III, Templeton and Fish. (:
DESPITE the fact that Dodger smells, Elvis won't listen, Ruthie pees, Archie's beat up, Templeton is jankie and Fish likes to be pet. WEIRD ANIMALS.


I dig art, man.


Little Miss Sunshine = best movie ever. It seriously makes me happy every time I watch it.


February 26, 2007
Dear Sarah,
You're ridiculously cool, in an uncool way. Like me! Only I'm not even cool to begin with. I love your sense of humor, your energy, your enthusiasm, and your hair (though I wish I could've seen it pink... I've wanted that color highlights for SUCH a long time!). I enjoy our adventures, wherever they lead us... Denny's, trains, beaches, Denny's, San Diego, Denny's... And remember, that's a pretty color on you. Like Barbie Doll, yes??
Catch you on the flipside,
April 27, 2007
Dear Sarah,
You're my best bud, i luv that you're almost exactly like me, i luv all our night time adventures, i luv going to the movies with you and picking the death order of the characters, i luv staying up all night laughing at nothing, and i luv you.
November 19, 2007
Dear Sarah:
you are the craziest person i have ever met. I swear, i want to have your babies, and then eat them with excessive amounts of soy sauce. I miss you so much and i wish you would come back to our school for like a day or two. Anyways, thats about it!
January 26, 2007
Dear Sarah,
You are beautiful. I'd go deeper into it, but then people would know think I'm a lesbian. But're absolutely gorgeous, hyper, funny, etc. and I wouldn't have it any other way. Please marry me.
Monday, January 8th
Dear Sarah,
Thank you for the bestest layout ever.
ever. ever. ever.
Love, Michael
Sunday, January 7th
Sunday, January 7th
dear sarah ,
i wanted you to know that i think you are a completely amazing and unique person without a mean bone in your body.
you have grown so much and i admire you so much for you just being yourself and no one else. we should make beautiful babies? mmkay? YES!
Sunday, January 7th
Dear Sarah,
Although we laugh and have fun and make fun of each other for one thing or another,
I hope you know that you can't put a price on our frienship its value is worth more than anything anyone could possibly buy.
and without you I would be an emo kid.
Sunday, January 7th
dear sarah,
your the shit!
I so luv you more than any1 else does
your my pimp daddy :)
i miss you soooo much!
love alwayz,
christian kolacz
Sunday, January 7th
dear sarah,
i love you and your little obscene glitter graphics you put on my page, they always make me lol. ♥
love, kooper
Sunday, January 7th
dear wifee,
i love and miss you dearly. i still have pictures of our LOVE BRACELETS! or MARRIAGE BRACELETS! we need to hang, ya know? i love you mucho grande. muiiii mucho. i love to sex you too... the best i ever had. your the best, so lets keep it that way. i love you.
your wife aka charlotte (nikki) ♥
Sunday, January 7th
Dear Sarah,
You make me giggle A LOT.
- Jessica E. aka Frisbee.
Sunday, January 7th
dear sarah,
i'm glad we're talking again :]
i really hope to talk to you much much more!
because you're cool.
and i'm cool.
and two cool people should talk, and soak in their coolness.
Saturday, January 6th
Dear Sarah,
i love you and your giraffe like height.
From Andrew


“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”
-Oscar Wilde


Jeff: The arOma of the granOla.
Jeff: Heh heh. Are we at school? Because... because... I just... heard a bell... heh. No wait...
Beck: 1. Pour 2. Me. 3. Some. 4. Milk. 5..... bitch.
Josh: She'll walk in, and I'll be laying naked on the bed. With rose petals all around me.
Me: Haha, and a box of chocolates covering your junk.
Josh: And a rose in my mouth.
Me: Can you imagine if like, Beck walked in and instead of you it was Jeff on the bed?
Me: But instead of rose petals, there'd be granola everywhere. And he'd be like, 'It's the arOman, of the granOla."
Jeff:Oh I'm the king of the swingers, oh, the jungle VIP!
Beck: I've reached the top, and had to stop, and that's what's bothering me...


My Blog

Old News

The lights were off in your room, as usual. We were vampires, two young teens that shied away from daylight and tried to drown out the sun with your blue curtains. I woke up so many times to a blue s...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:26:00 PST


I hate having to wear shirts that show off my tits because it's annoying. I don't really want people to see my boobs, and I'm not trying to be "sexy" or anything - it's just that regular t's don't fit...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 06:39:00 PST

Unfinished jumble

    I wanted him to kiss me that night, he looked so beautiful. Curled up in a ball of covers in our tree, leaning comfortably against the bark and gazing steadily at the stars. I learn...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 12:57:00 PST

Welcome to Thanksgiving in the De Baun family

The television is blaring in the corner as my sister and father pile food onto plates, obnoxious amounts that would make african children die of happiness. I suppose that's a little bit morbid to thin...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:49:00 PST

Vacant Field, Vacant Life

The sun is setting quietly on the field, disappearing behind the false security of neighborhood fences. The lights inside these comfortable homes flicker on, televisions blare, blinds are pulled. You ...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:28:00 PST

happy birthday

a card from you today, mommy. a card on my birthday. it came in a basket with balloons and a teddy bear in it. all my friends are jealous. i am so excited to see you, mommy. i know you haven't been h...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 04:34:00 PST


I think about you too much. When I go to bed, I think about you. I think about what you've said to me, the parts that make sense and the parts that don't. I try to decode things that were probably nev...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:41:00 PST


I am staring up at you, staring at the shine in your hair and listening to the tinkle of your laugh. Your smile is straight and pretty and when your heart-shaped lips crack to sing the sound fills the...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 07:05:00 PST

About Me

I was truly disgusted today when I realized that if I had just saved every ABOUT ME I had ever written, I would see more change in myself than if I were to read my diaries, look at my pictures, and li...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 03:44:00 PST

old friends

It is very hot outside and my skin is burning uncomfortably. Your pool is a sparkly pretty glittery blue and it looks so good, I want to jump in. We're sitting on a fountain rock mountain and playing ...
Posted by Curly Jefferson on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 02:00:00 PST