Iddi'n eithafol
Jiw jiw jiw jiw jiw jiw jiw jiw.
Hello, and for those of you who have the handicap of not knowing me yet, I'm a 17 year old surfing, wakeboarding extreme sports enthusiast who couldn't be happier with life right now,so how the fuck are you? I shan't get into much detail about myself, as I for one like to get to know a person by the art of conversation, but what I shall say in small detail is what I consider what makes me who I am.
Extreme Sports IS my life!
.... Dwi'n Beach Bum o Fai tan Tachwedd...
...a dwi'n Ski Bum
o Ragfyr tan Ebrill.I'm currently studying Bioleg, Cemeg, Maths and French and I'm trying my hardest to get into Medical School in Caerdydd, Lerpwl, Leeds or Manchester (or maybe Sheffield)! It's going to be a really hard slog but I'm determined now and I know that I'm going to do well in A2 because of that!
Ta waeth, ffycin hel, 'stalwm 'de! Wel, BE sy''na i ddeud am james dwa? Yn gynta, dwi'n byw mewn bocs cardfwrdd ASDA yn Y Felinheli efo chwech Go-Go dancers Vietnamese nes i bigo fyny ar noson feddwol yn Rhyl, night to remember ond 'na fo 'de, mae hwnna'n stori arall...Wel, dwi'n gwneud rhywfaint o bit-on-the-side man-whoring work fel yn swydd, yn amlaf ar gyrrion Bangor a Chaernarfon, ond os nad ydw i'n hwrio fy hun gan amla' gallech chi ffendio fi'n gneud rhywfath o extreme sports, boed yn tonfyrddio neu'n sgio, os na fyddai'n neidio off clogwyn, byddai'm yn hapus!
Haleliwia, dyn pob lliwia'!
♥ Love meeting new people in drunken situations, especially when you think you've lost your legs. Richard cont, ma angan i chdi gallio efo dy dybl iw cei dis chdi cont.
Na i gyd am rwan 'swn i'n feddwl, os 'da chi isio chat, ffonio'r ghostbusters. Brechdan Jam. a chips.James