"The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." -Carrie Bradshaw "Sex and the City"Things you should know about me *I love spicy food *My favorite color is purple *Many times I start projects but never finish them *I can sew but tried to learnt to knit and failed miserably *I often laugh at inappropriate times *I have no sympathy...so stop your bellyaching! *Im an emotional hard ass but once I fall in love Im very passionate *I love the smell of new carpets *I wish there were 36 hours in a day *I complain a lot when I workout but I love it *Don't get on my bad side cause I will seek revenge! *I eat a whole lotta food and dont gain weight (yah for genetics!) *Im not a morning person...AT ALL *Gay men make the best friends *I get motion sickness really easily
Looking to meet business minded individuals like myself. Gotta keep the cash flowing so I can keep shopping! Im on Myspace to network. That includes designers, stylists, make up artists, models, actors, photographers, magazines, nightclub owners, agents, promoters, dancers and boutique owners. If you happen to be a cool person with a sense of style that works for me too.
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Damn Lenny you are one sexy man! And those nipple rings! WHAT!..
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Can I stress enough how much I love Sex and the City! Let's see...there's also Project Runway, The Apprentice, Cashmere Mafia, LA Ink, The View, The Real Housewives of Orange County, Girlfriends. I'm a reality TV FREAK! Hmmmmmmmmm maybe I should have my own reality show. Hello MTV???
Currently reading 12 Laws by Russell Simmons. Also loved The Great Gatsby, The Miseduacation of the Negro, Freakanomics, and books that really make you think about life.
I've adored the always fabulous, always on point Naomi Campbell since I was 5 years old. You will never catch a hair out of place or an outfit that is wack. I dare you to find a pic?