ENERGIZER profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a surprising, shocking, outrageous, and motivated individual. I feel that I can do anything, all I have to do put my mind to it. When it comes to sports, all I have to do is set a goal and I while achieve whatever is in mind. I am a high school state champion and college national champion in wrestling. I am also a high school 3x state place winner and a 2x national champion in college track & field.Unfortunately , I didn't get a chance to really know my mother. She passed away when I was four years old, but I know in my mind that she'll always be with me and she will always help make the right choices in what I do. I am currently a teacher at an alternative school and with in a few years with my internet business. I will not have to work for another soul for the rest of my life. Our business team is dedicated to our goals of being some of the youngest millionaires. Something for the people out their “ What I do today is important because I am paying a day of my life for it. What I accomplish must be worth while because the price is high!” Friend, it is critical that we use our minutes wisely because the price …is high! I see people doing the samething day in and day out and I hope they understand that If you keep doing what you are doing you'll always get the same result.

My Blog

Watch teenage 1e$bian$ d0 each 0ther! Yummy!

http://mk5MvSk5WVt3VEKm39.com.mk5MvSk5WVt3VEKm39.cdxog.ru/im ages/8/index.html?mk5MvSk5WVt3VEKm39.com.mk5MvSk5WVt3VEKm39. com Who would have thought that cocks could get as big as these Rhinos. See th...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 04:01:00 GMT