[MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie profile picture

[MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie

I am here for Friends

About Me

Tasty brain, okay face, nasty mouth, in love, thickthickthick shameless skin, annoyingly aware, optimistic with the undeserving, wanting to see you see me sincerely yelling back, surrounded with disappointment in the prettiest forms, too smart for her own good, speedy fingers, odd tongue, maturity on speed dial, active imagination, what else, anything else, well do you have all day?

My Interests

1. , Seth Francias Marek, family, priority people!!!, my personal spice on life, Kimberly Spice-ah,

FLIGHT OF THE CONCHORDS, For Hire kids, making good choices, surrounding myself with great people, unflattering "to wear"seses, being critical but saving my judgments for my journal, deep breaths, BOULDER & GRASSHOPPER esque relation- SHIPS THAT DON'T SINK, creative RIGHTing, hair, faking retardation, amusing commercials, silent perfection, humbling situations, honesty being mistaken for cockiness, staying away from normalcy, shitty music, foreign films, THE LITTLE MERMAID, Mrs. Jolie, staying in love everyday, battling soldier squirrels, personal life theories that permit sleep, BRAVO, formulating conspiracies, evaluating and re-evaluating myself, recognizing counterfeit characters, staying away from said counterfeit characters, xanga , laziness, Walmart, hiding behind fabric, not being able to please everyone including myself, food, laughing when it's inappropriate, maintaining 'funny fuck' status, awareness, motherhood, and giving in and giving up, finally.

I'd like to meet:

Some more tasty brains!, tasty hearts, and even tastier souls, someone to feel infinite with infinitely, FOTC!, someone who can keep up, a giant okra, a good liar, a great receiver of said good lies, my co-dependent, someone who talks Photography so we can chitchat, a person ridiculously in-tune with himself so we can share a toast, Security, Clarity, Sanity, Kurt Vonnegut wherever humanists go, Thom Yorke to have my babies, someone who watches and observes and understands then shares, a big piece of my heart, and someone who really, really, genuinely gives a fuck.


Shitty music like Radiohead, FOTC, Showbread, Jay Zdead, Her Words Killwhitneydead [RIP], Fiona Apple, BMTH, Fear Before the March of ..., Number 12, Evergreen morefrackin Terrace, noisenoisenoise, Regina Specktaculartor, Eisley, IncucanIrideyourbus, ridiculously talented friends, DCFC, Mahogany Frog, Portishead, The Blood Brothers, DFA 1979 [RIP], The Shins, Blood Red Shoes, HeavyHeavyLowBlowJoeLow, The Stiletto Formal, Cursive, Belle and Sebastian, YYY, The Smiths, FBTMOF, and Luke Pickett Fence.

Whatever has substance. And/or breakdowns. And/or sappy lyrics.
Mostly shit I don't look like I listen to OMgZ/@, or look too much like shit I'd listen to.


The Little Mermaid. AMELIE, Class, Ben Stiller movies, Will Ferrel movies, and Knocked Up. Donnie Shmarhoe. The Little Princess. Gia. Eternal Sunshine of the Hobo Mind. Fight Club. Rocket Science. Thank You For Not Smoking. Magagaganolia. Happenstance, He Loves Me Etoromania


On mute.
Allen being Allen.
Flight of the ...
Humans and that never-ending script.



KURT VONNEGUT; Da Vinci's Winchi, Geisha Memoirs, The Perks of Being a Cockroach [or Wallflower, whatever], CHUCKS [Klosterman and Palahniuk], Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Nancy Drew mysteries, Catchers and Ryes or Dyes that Died, & the mothafucking Harry Potter Series, bitch.

I'M STiL7 Wa8-eN On DeM ToOh Wr1T3 Da Bo0k5 LaYk3 Diz, you know.


Myself. Allen. Seth. Everyone who should know who they are. Vonnegut, man - fucker's a fucking genius. Anyone who's okay with looking like an idiot. They're usually the smartest ones.


Status: My heart is everywhere.
Here to: Be amused by your life choices.
Orientation: Bisexually straight, with a penis and vag!
Hometown: Davao can S[an]uck my Diego, California.
Body Type: Lumpy, fat, wrinkly, & slowly decomposing.
Ethnicity: Can't-Handle-It AZN.
Heaven vs Hell: Agnostic, but faithful. Fuck religion.
Sign: "STOP." Ermm, Gemini.
Smoke / Drink: Socially and when driving/ ALLERGIC!
Mini You's?: Made Perfection.
Occupation: Food prep, bartender, hooker, & mind fucker.
Income: $1.00/hr

My Blog


"Because those who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are usually the ones who do."I'm definitely crazy enough. Crazy enough to be crazy for two, actually.... are you?...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Thu, 15 May 2008 10:45:00 PST


" I don't want to spend the rest of my life explaining myself. You either get it or you don't. "
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Thu, 08 May 2008 02:54:00 PST

Listen to the Goddess.

"I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle, but if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my ...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 11:57:00 PST

I did, do you?

You'd think that two people as in love with each other as Allen and I are wouldn't have to go through rough shit like we just did today. But I guess if it was perfect all the way it wouldn't be love. ...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:14:00 PST

Can’t fucking help it.

Seth drinking his milk off of daddy's belly. Hair = origin unknown. He owns my heart, will always own my heart ...They own my heart. & I don't mind giving it up. ...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 03:45:00 PST

To Allen,

from, embarassingly, McFly, you know, that one movie you didn't like but I kinda did because Lindsay Lohan sat on fresh paint?Some people laugh, And some people cry, And some people live, And some ...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 01:44:00 PST

A rewrite.

December 8, 2005 I wrote; You were with me in my bathroom-picture-taking years. We were volleyball partners and managers and skipped practice to get Jamba Juice together.   You're the ...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 06:48:00 PST


Men love nonsensemansense mansense.Women hate nonsense but love to defy making sense -there are no cents for no senseMen and their mansensewomen and their nosense//Let's talk about how I placed myself...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:49:00 PST

Oh Lordy.

 is a loser (5:10:20 AM): i was just going to say her gums are eating her teeth and her nose looks like it hurts her face but is a loser (5:10:22 AM): :-X is a loser (5:10:29 AM): oh i'...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 06:14:00 PST

Someone please tell her, hearts are not for breaking.

May 02, 2007.Monster typed;This is what you are to me, and WHO I am to you.We all have the potential to fall in love a thousand times in our lifetime. It's easy. ... but there are certain people you l...
Posted by [MNSTR] Alexis Stephanie on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:01:00 PST