Obviously swimming as I do nothing else in my spare time, apart from driving up and down Northallerton high street in my Nova drinking white lightening and listening to Scooter shouting "eyer you TONEYS!!!"!! I also like watching "deal or no deal" to stare at Noel Edmund`s in his tight trousers! I enjoy playing with my housemates and having brew after brew while we watch the repeats of Jeramy Kyle!Hes amazing! I also enjoy spending time with friends...shout out to Steph Goodall!!!Shes one hell of a girl!Shes a lessssssbian tho so you gotta watch out!
Rick Waller and I'd like to suck his gums, or meet Fred Elliot in a sex shop!Failing that I would like to Marry Jim Carrey, i do believe that I would become incontinant after an hour!!
Cheezy pop all the way! I like dance and RnB anything to shake my fat ass to!!!.. width="425" height="350" ..
nothing too roody doody!I do talk the whole way through films...I know all the words to Dumb and Dumber-My house mates go to the cimena and forget to tell me as I am soooo annoying to watch a film with! and the obv regular porn movies...due to the fact that i am actually a porn star!
All the soaps-how sad!Corra is amazing-as if my pop idol Fred Elliot has died?!Ah well, I can still have wet dreams about Norris, pwahhhhh!!!Hollytoaks is also amazing-Darren Ozborn is the love of my life and Lee Hunter!!!ooohhhhhhhh!
What?! Heat magazine!!!!!!!!!!Tuesday ritual!
Roy Cropper and Peggy Mitchell, not to mention Noel Edmunds and of course Jim Carrey and that fat slag STEPH GOODALL!!!!!She is actually amazing and dances like a trooper!Bezy mezys all the way!Apart from when she tells me to fook off when she has blackcurrant down her white top at the beginning of a night out!!classy!!