MaRiEL profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

others may be thinking that i am just an ordinary girl in this not so ordinary world...but mind y0u,i can make myself unique in so many ways --- ehehehe, meaning different from others in my most simple and unusual way... but still just like everyone, i wanted to be embraced by who and what i really am...

My Interests

m0viEs - mUsic - rEaDiNg - fo0d - biLLiaRds - eLm0 - pUcCa - bUbbLeS - wiNniE d p0oH - c0LoRs bLuE & rEd - c0oL wAteR - mAnDy m0oRe - viC zH0u oF f4 - - - - aNytHing tHat my eyEs aNd eaRs w0uLd pLeaSe....

I'd like to meet:

those who are sensible and responsible and has a good sense of humor....basta gan0n ka, ay0s na ay0s ka para sakin!!!!


a liTtLe biT of eveRytHiNg bUt R&B aNd HiP is wHat i LoVe tHe m0st !!!


cRuEL iNteNti0Ns - mAtRix - h0w 2 dEaL - LegAlly bL0ndE - cHaRliE's aNgELs - g0Ne iN 60 sEc0nDs - a kNiGht'S tALe - kiLL biLL - g0tHika -


yUnG mGa LatE niGht sHowS ng cHanel 2 --- uNdErc0vEr, 24 and F oR yUnG mGa kUng aNik2 na c0veRaGes niLa .... oR yUnG sa cHanel 5 ---- mAvEriCk aNd aRieL aT sAka yUnG siNgLE .... baSta anytHinG waG laNg baSkEtbaLL ....


m0sTly, i Love bo0ks wHiCh tAcKles oN h0w to dEal wiTh L0ve aNd pe0pLe....