Well I cant tell my life in here but I can assure you that if you'll get to know me u wont regret..My dad is sicilian an my mum was born in Vina del Mar,Chile (seriosly the best place on earth) so I am quite a dangerous mix an ive got quite a weird blood..even tho I was born in Italy and my attitude is very italian I feel a lot my latin origins, in everything I do and in the way I see life..there is no day I dont think of the wonderful Santiago and the wonderful people there..always sunny and there to help you. To some people eyes I could look like a bomb ready to explode:thats cos Im always there ready to have a good time, to laugh and smile.
I luv to have fun and being surrounded by friends and I am quite a simple girl: I think at times Im still a baby, I appreciate the small things.My side effects are that Im messy, very curious
and tend to feel insulted and offended easily.
I am very curious, luv 2get 2kno new things.but often I feel like my latin blood influences my behavior a lot.in the summertime and every day of my life I luv the sun, i dont like the winter if it was it shud be always sumemr 4ever(i wud spend days lying on the sun, get tanned I dont care jst let me in peace there cos its my moment)About Italy i like the fact pple are more or less noisy, late, and of course the food: let me say the best in the world, everytime i eat I feel like Im in paradise..
But I also luv 2 stay in Glasgow, where I lived one year when I went 2 Uni there, I think glaswegian guys r very cute and I luv their angelic expression even tho at the nite time they jst turn into devils.. But italians r always italians an they make u feel like a woman...eh eh..
I love chips an cheese, pizza with gorgonzola (dont say is disgusting..)and nutella.. and Ice cream, I go crazy for it. I wud eat these things all the time..
In Uk I luv 2get drunk with Lambrini, especially the cherry version: sweet and cheap..perfect2Party or any kind of sweet wine cheaper an tasty..
In Italy i go4 vodka redbull and kaipiroska, u kno wat it is, im not able to tell u how to prepare it..
AHHH, im a great fun of Ibiza, its the best isle on the world, they speak spanish, there is a wondrful beach where the pple dance housemusic and everyone in there is friend of the others and ready to hav party: every1is crazy, I worked ther2months Im coming backkk--
Ok..so if u think my description may suit u---jst come on and dont b shy and give it a try!
I HATE pple that judge you without knowin anything about u and abt ur life an past experiences its so easy to do it, they jst express an opinion by lookin at you..well these kind of pple r jst ignorant and they dont kno that behind appearences there is a whole world 2 discover!I dont give a f**k about this type of elements, I dont wanna be surrounded by conservative, useless, superficial, fake human beings.
Im a revolutionary person, when i dont like something i claim it and sumtimes it can happen i argue..I love to travel, I d like to visit everycorner of Southamerica being my second countRy in the world and id love to visit Tokio..i luv to get to kno new friends..Robin S Videos | Music Video
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