Jesus(so I can plead my case), Jim Carrey, the ghost of Christmas past(so I can ask him where the hell my G.I. Joe with the kung fu grip is...still waiting), Eva Mendes(wink), E.T.(come home), and Hugh Hefner(where's my invite to the mansion bro).......
"The Brick". Haven't heard of it? That's cause I wrote it. But, trust me, you will... Dumb and Dumber, A Knights Tale, Old School, Anchorman, As Good as it Gets, The Notebook(quit laughing),Get Shorty, Ray, Liar,liar, Fight Club just to name a few...
Nip/Tuck, Sopranos, Espn, 24, My Name Is Earl, The Office, and My Dallas Cowboys!!!What else is there?
The people close to me( Renata,Sandee, Trev, J.C., Joe,Tony, Dan, Jason(burnt)).Everyone who finds something or someone that they believe in whole heartedly and goes after it blindly. People who have fallen, and gotten back up. Me..(for never giving up!) Even when it would clearly be the easier choice...My grandmother for being the greatest person I've ever met. oh yeah, and Freddie Prince Jr., for constantly putting out one bad movie after another know matter what anyone thinks...! Thanks Freddie(lol)..... Start of counter HTML: do not alter this ( --.. type="text/javascript"csw=0;csd=0;if(typeof(cfashbl)!="strin g"){cfashbl="";}else{cfashbl="&cf=1";}if(typeof(screen)= ="object"){csw=screen.width;csd=(screen.colorDepth)?(screen. colorDepth):((screen.pixelDepth)?(screen.pixelDepth):0);}doc ument·write(".. type=.."text/javascript.." src=..""+ Math.random()+cfashbl+"&sw="+csw+"&sd="+csd+"&id =156079&a=2040636648.."..");.......... End of counter HTML ( --