long comments + denny's + banana pancakes + squeezie pops + moostaches + amazing times with friends on a random couch + sarcasim + food network + loud music + trouble + cameras + canada + vanilla + hot cocoa + indie songs + people writing me songs + pink ducttape + inside jokes + cute faces + eskimo kisses + freckles + friends + cookies + piano + easymac + "eat your children blue" eyes + "does anyone get laid in this story" + myspace + chedder crackers + long conversations + grilled cheese + laughing til it hurts + food network + ramen + trouble making + loud shows + notes + love letters + italian ice + asians + good photography + drawing + vintage + honesty + tea + reading + 11:11 + peace + unconventional beauty + deshavoo + polaroids + pretend gangster + breathing.
you're listening too: Just Surrender-Our Work of Art
Britney White, B, Bee-z, k-k-k-koolaid. Well that which we call a B by anyother name would still be Britney White. Okay, your music choose is sick. And you're cool for days. I'd never had a bestfriend before you. You changed me and my out look for the rest of my life. I think you'll always be a part of me. 20 years from now, I'll be at your wedding. Or reading the Time and be like WHOA B WHITEE!! My life will be simpler, I'm not going to be near as huge as you. But there's always a spot for you in my brooklyn apartment. I love you sooo much.
I mean we fight more than any normal teenage girls I've ever met. and I still love you.
Cindy! You're my little moose, my snow white, my edward, if you will. I dig how we both talked SO much about eachother. and bam, now we're half way inseperable. I used to think you were the biggest snob. Gahh, you're amazing. I've never had a friend my size before and you skip around in my pink sparkley top while I'm saving the animals. hahah. My little brother wants you BAD. You cut my hair like a beast. I get the best random compliments in the whole wide world. "who does your hair it's sooo cute" "do I know you?!". I like how we would never ever fit in togethor. You're mellow, I'm highstrung. you're quiet, my jaw may as well have a motor but it works. You help me with spots, and you have an amish boyfriend... who thinks I'm semi-crazy. And I love you. bfffe4l&3days.
LINNNNNYYY! Or at least that's how I would write it in our note book. God, how did I live without you all these years. Like our note book lights up my life every freaking day. It's racist, it's crude, it's uncommon. And amazing. You still owe me ten bucks. Best lap dance of your life. You don't even know. hahahahah and you make the cutest dresses I've ever seen. I love you so much. We are soo racist. We belong to Ms. adkins. Pregnant girls get us hot and botterd. And you help me pick fights over fruit by the foot. Golly molly, I love you.
Briee! You're a gangster. and we sing pop bottles real loud. and I wouldn't live a day without you.
Chinity Chin chin = sexy jams. hahahhahaha Ily mannn.
Sarah Bo Bara. You amazing weave instalitor. Holy christ, you sing to me in russian in the car. i show you my breasts when you're upset. People driving behind us think I go down on you. and it's amazing. And ms. Respress thinks we're lezzys. And you dance like a super star. And I couldn't live without you.
Marx brothers. They are my heros.
Alsooo, Azn, Billy D, Ashleigh, Bryce, Amber, Nikki, and LTAS.