Who are we and why did we start robinswrong.com ?
We are Stern fans from border to border and coast to coast that have listened to the show for years.
Robin has always been annoying with the constant interruptions, restating what someone else just said, the abrasive laugh, finishing other's sentences and acting as if she knows everything. When Howard was on testicle radio she was aggravating , but somewhat tolerable.
Since the move to Sirius, Robin's obnoxious traits have increased a thousandfold. For some reason she thinks that it is now the Robin and Howard Show. It isn't. If she had never been on the show, Stern would have been a success. If she left tomorrow, the show would be a success; probably even more than it is now.
So, while we doubt that Robin would ever grant millions of Stern listener's dreams by leaving the show (or just be quiet), we thought to document all the stupid things she says and does.